I was hacking scripts and web shit together in perl, python and php for many years before learning C, and just a couple months learning C/C++ made me understand so many more basic concepts than all previous years experiences combined.
I was hacking scripts and web shit together in perl, python and php for many years before learning C, and just a couple months learning C/C++ made me understand so many more basic concepts than all previous years experiences combined.
apt remove sudo
sudo is not installed on several distributions by default, so hardly surprising it’s not there or that you can remove it.
Apparently every code base I’ve ever worked on was run through this.
I never saw that, that’s legitimately funny. I’d love to be in the room when that feature was designed, and the reaction of the developer it was handed too.
I don’t know if the game is the best example of busineses making top-down design decisions, since that game was an obvious scam from the start.
Machines aren’t people. Machines don’t learn. Machines copy data, manipulate and replicate it. That is copyright infringement. The laws for Machine duplication don’t apply to human learning.
Remember when people were calling this dummy the “real life Tony Stark”? Lol.
Oh wow, I’ve seen this guys shorts start popping up constantly. He seems like he understands the algorithm enough to explode
Seems it got much worse.
Seems like it’s going great for the developer.
In a 4-D chess move, by canceling everything with no resolution, they’ve made their shows not worth pirating by making them not worth watching.
I thought it was a balance between new shows getting better engagement than old shows, and contracts lasting 3 seasons, which required re-negotiations in favor of the talent. Basically a business model hyper-focused on subscriber growth metrics instead of subscriber retention.
Yes, I couldn’t recommend htmx highly enough.
Web & mobile development took a wrong tern 10 million miles back, and no one wants to turn the car around and admit it.
Yes, and the people directly contributing to the project have legitimate gripes. Although, the parable of dhh is if you get on an asshole scorpions back, don’t be surprised if you get stung. Dudes been an unreasonable prick for nearly 20 years now.
My comments directed at the manufactured outrage from the tooling zealots incapable of having a mature conversation. Or even accept a difference of opinion. The number of comments that start with, "never heard of Turbo, but let me weigh in on why you’re an idiot for not liking Typescript. " is very telling…
I continue to be baffled and amused by the complete meltdown of the typescript community over the actions of a single man on a single package. The only people who have legitimate gripes are those that had been actively contributing and whose work was erased. The rest of you are acting absurdly childish. The anger and vitriol being thrown at anyone who disagrees on how to write javascript would make me embarrassed if I was associated or involved in the ts community.
Because my exposure to Typescript is wading through over-engineered and bloated Angular front ends that could easily (and should) be thrown out and re-written in html/ js.
But also because I exclusively write simple shit that doesn’t have a build step for the front end, because 90% of the stuff I make gains no benefit from needlessly overly complex front ends.
There is no way in hell he would ever post to 4chan.
He made a long weepy post on his site how he would never use Reddit of all places, and how embarrassed he would be if “real world people” ever thought he was on it. He is exactly as insufferable and self righteous as you can imagine.
Oh wow, aren’t you a cranky bitch. I didn’t say you "should " do anything, I linked a tool I’ve constantly been told good things about.
I bet you’re the type to follow the docker install instructions*, arent you?
You know what they say about when you assume, you turn out to be an ignorant dipshit.
I took a compiler course focused on optimization and porting. So I worked with x86 and ARM. There’s very little reason in modern computing to write assembly by hand, but it’s still useful to be able to read and understand.