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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Stephen King’s books tend to be both very long and contain a lot of internal monologue. That’s very much not film-friendly. “Faithful” adaptions tend to drag and have a lot of tell-don’t-show, which makes for a “terrible” film. Unfaithful ones tend to change and cut a lot, which makes them “terrible” adaptions. For instance, “The Shining” film has very little to do with the book, but is an absolutely phenomenal movie. King hated it.

    “IT” the Tim Curry version has Tim Curry in it, who was absolutely fantastic. A lot of material from the book was cut out - I’m thinking it could be 80% or more. That includes the scene where the children have a gang bang in the sewer. Out of nowhere, with no foreshadowing, and it’s never mentioned again if I remember correctly. That might make it a “terrible” unfaithful adaption, but you know something? I’m alright without seeing that.

  • One of the things that got me to change my gaming desktop from Mint to Arch was the fact that you get the cutting-edge version of everything; kernel and amdgpu being the most important, but also getting the latest version of Lutris and things is nice too. Brought me from “usually about 50 fps outdoors in Elden Ring” to “usually about 60 fps” on the same machine.

    Makes sense for a gaming machine to only include the services you actually want, which Arch enables. Supports my hardware better too - my audio gear works perfectly in Pipewire but is ropey in ALSA, so rather than “install Mint -> install Pipewire -> remove ALSA -> hope ALSA is gone”, the sequence is “install Arch -> install Pipewire”, which make more sense.

    Other cutting-edge rolling release distros are available, of course, but once you learn Arch, it makes a lot of sense for gaming.

  • addie@feddit.uktolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldbtw
    1 month ago

    I don’t think that even 8 years ago, the ‘business’ choices would have been SUSE / Fedora / Debian. If you’re paying for support, then you’d be paying for RHEL, and the second choice would have been Centos, not Fedora. Debian in third place maybe, as it was the normal choice for ‘webserver’ applications, and then maybe SUSE in fourth.

  • I used to work with a Greek guy called Argyros Argyros - cool guy, but suspect he was an outlier. Named after his dad, so certainly some people are named that way. Icelandic for instance would traditionally use “Given Name” “Patronym from father” - Magnus Magnusson was quite famous in the UK; Björk Guðmundsdóttir might be the most famous internationally, but she’s not a “double”. There’s quite a few cultures - Hungarian, Chinese, Japanese, … - that write their names as “Family Name” “Given Name” as opposed to the other way around, if that’s what you mean?

  • Can confirm that this does work perfectly for Lutris, for upgrades at least. I’ve got my home directory on an NVMe drive and my games installed on a slower disk; as long as you don’t move or rename any of the partitions, it just keeps rocking along.

    My laptop and desktop have a different list of games installed, but because Lutris uses SQLite as its backing store, it’s not terribly easy to keep ‘some parts’ synchronised and others not. I’ve spent a bit of time getting all of the icons, banners, release dates, etc all correct and looking pretty, and it’s a shame that it’s tough to reuse. (Lutris does this automatically for Wine installs if you get the name ‘just right’ to start with, but not for all your other emulated stuff - all the DOS games and things.)

  • Not all of the light would have been wasted on the wall. If your wall is painted green, then the ‘rest of the rainbow’ (red, orange, yellow, blue, violet wavelengths) would be absorbed and converted into heat. Paint is quite rough on a microscopic level, and the green light reflected would be scattered in every direction.

    Things that have a colour do so because they reflect those frequencies. Mirrors reflect pretty much all frequencies of visible light with very little scattering - that’s the definition of the word, really.

    If you had a black feature wall behind your lamp, such that very little was reflected off it into the rest of the room, then with a mirror there would be about twice the photons illuminating the room. If your wall was pure brilliant white, much less of a difference. Your eyes don’t perceive ‘twice the photons’ as ‘twice as bright’ - they scale from absorbing thousands a second when fully dark-adjusted at night, to trillions per second at midday - but you might find it a bit easier to eg. read a book elsewhere in the room.

    Light output from the lamp doesn’t change, but depending on the colours of things in your room, the light output that is useful for seeing might do.

  • Really? If it’s a big enough treatment works to warrant a SCADA, then I doubt an automation engineer with the experience to set it all up would be asking this question, but here goes. You’ve a couple of obstacles:

    • every contract I’ve ever seen for industrial automation has either specified which control plane they want directly, or they’ll have a list of approved suppliers which you must use. Someone after you will have to maintain this. Those maintainers will only accept the things that they have been trained on. Those things are Windows PCs running Windows software. They will reject anything else. The people running network security on those machines will have a very short list of the acceptable operating systems for running SCADA systems. That list will be a couple of versions of Windows Server. They will also reject anything else.

    • that’s not nearly enough information to make a recommendation. Which PLCs? Allen Bradley, Siemens, Mitsubishi, …? I can’t think of a job I’ve ever been on where the local HMI hasn’t matched the PLCs. The SCADA software almost invariably matches the PLCs used in the main motor control centre, with perhaps a couple of oddball PLCs for proprietary panels and such like. Could maybe ask the supplier if they’ve a Linux alternative? Siemens will laugh at you and Mitsi won’t understand the question, but AB just might.

    Sorry - I’m a Linux evangelist, but I don’t think it’s a good fit for here. SCADA performance generally isn’t bad due to Windows Server - it’s fine, does what it’s intended to - but because eg. STEP 7 is an appallingly slow and bloated piece of software which would bring a mainframe to its knees. Which is bizarre - the over-the-wire protocol connecting the machines is generally a short binary blob described in the PLC configuration - these bits are the drive statuses, these bits are an int or a float for an instrument readout - and it shouldn’t be at all slow updating it all, but slow it is.

  • There are, but it’s complicated. Doom (2016) for instance - it doesn’t handle the very large Vulkan swap chain that’s possible on some modern graphics cards, crashes on start-up. Someone patched Proton around that time so that Doom would start; the patch was later reverted since it broke other games. Other games based off of that engine - couple of Wolfensteins, Doom Eternal - have the problem fixed in the binaries, and so run on up-to-date Proton, but depending on your hardware, only a few specific, old, versions of Proton, will do for Doom.

    Regressions get fixed - that’s okay. Buggy behaviour which depended on regressions that got fixed - that’s a problem.

  • addie@feddit.uktoEurope@feddit.deNational animals
    6 months ago

    Team unicorn, represent! I’d swear half the entrance doorways to our historic buildings have the lion and the unicorn carved above, and everyone still seems surprised by the “Scotland’s national animal is a what now?” response.

  • That’s almost exactly the problem. English uses helper words exclusively for future tense, and indeed, helper words like ‘to’ to form an infinitive. ‘Will’ is the helper word to show that something is a fact, that it is definite - grammatically, it is indicative. (The sun will rise tomorrow.) ‘Would’ is the helper word to show that something is an opinion, or dependent on something else - grammatically, it is subjunctive. (If you push that, it would fall; if it was cheaper, I would buy it.)

    Spanish has both helper words for future tense (conjugations of ‘ir’, analogous to ‘going to’, often used in speech) and straight-up conjugations for future tense (doesn’t exist in English; often used in writing). It also conjugates verbs differently if they’re indicative, subjunctive, or imperative (asking or telling someone to do something). This is how Spanish manages to have fifty-odd ways to conjugate every verb, which is very confusing to English speakers who make do with three ways and helper words.

    Translating a ‘future tense sentence’ for Duolingo requires you to have psychic powers about whether something is fact or opinion, which helper words are wanted, and so on, and it usually comes down to guessing between multiple ‘correct’ answers, which Duo will reject all but one of.

  • Absolutely this. I’d have argued that ‘every day’ is a more idiomatic translation than ‘daily’, and what native speakers would say, but that’s irrelevant. English tends to emphasise the end of sentences as the most important part, so all these translations are correct depending on the nuance that you intend:

    • Daily in Hamburg, many ships arrive (as opposed to eg. cars, or few ships)
    • Daily, many ships arrive in Hamburg / Many ships arrive daily in Hamburg (as opposed to eg. Bremen)
    • Many ships arrive in Hamburg daily (as opposed to eg. weekly)

    Wouldn’t question any of those constructions as a native speaker. In fact, original responders’ example was why I gave up on Duolingo myself originally, some years ago. Translating ‘future tense’ sentences from Spanish into English or back again is always going to be a matter of opinion, since English doesn’t have the verb conjugations that Spanish does. Guessing the ‘sanctified answer’ is tedious, when a lot of the time it’s not even the most natural form of a sentence.

  • Which makes perfect sense - none of the previous producers have. Mostly, they’ve just used their stock characters and locations, and made a game that they thought would be fun out of them. There’s a couple of games that qualify as ‘direct sequels’ (Ocarina -> Majora’s, Wind Waker -> Hourglass) but even then, it doesn’t benefit you much to have played the preceding one. Would be weird to try and twist the games into a chronology that strikes me mostly as ‘fanon’ anyway.

  • Spot on advice. I’d observe that media files tend to be quite large, and if all that the disk has been used for has been copying these files onto it, then they’re likely to be both relatively defragmented and at the start of the disk, so the reduction in partition size isn’t going to be as slow as it usually is. (Which is very slow.)

    Since media files are relatively infrequently read, I’d probably want to use a filesystem that checks against bit rot instead of ext4 - make sure that they’ve not become corrupt when you want to use them. But that’s Linux holy war territory, so I’ll leave it alone.

  • Seems likely. It only stutters on Windows - run it through Proton on Linux, where it’s translating it all to Vulkan, and it’s silky smooth. Maybe off by a frame or two as well of course, but it’s pretty much locked to 60 fps in either case on my machine and can’t really check. DirectX seems quite bad for hitching when a new shader is loaded - they’d all be pre-compiled on a console since the devs know exactly what the target hardware is, so if you don’t rewrite your engine on Windows to accommodate it, then you’ll have problems.