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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • When I was taught about the ‘wage-price spiral’ at school, I asked the teacher why it wasn’t called the ‘price-wage spiral’, because at home my parents only ever talked about the need for higher wages when prices went up, and the teacher said: “Because your books about it weren’t written by the unions, but by industry.”

    “Some combination of moderation in pay pressures and firms’ margins will be required for services inflation to return to more normal rates,” she said.

    Let’s only talk about the wages and not the margins, right? And of course do not at all talk about big business and extremely rich people not paying taxes on the money their workers have made while not getting paid properly.

  • There is no reason to discuss pensions as long as the super-rich don’t pay taxes. The pension funds and every other social fund could be filled to the brim with even slightly higher taxes and they wouldn’t even notice anything missing. They would stay bloody rich.

    We have been getting older and having fewer children since we came down from the trees, and we have always been able to raise standards anyway. The only thing that doesn’t work is 1% of the people taking it all and putting it on a pile and sitting on it like a dragon.

    I am tired of the same old discussions, get the money from the people who have more than enough! Don’t let them drag you into discussions like this to point fingers away from themselves towards everyone else. Young vs old is not the fight we need to fight, poor vs fantastillion rich is the fight.

  • Plants vs Zombies on PC.

    Great, unique, iconic, still fun to play. Its biggest achievement: I have brought a lot of people into the hobby by making them play this as their first video game and there wasn’t a single one not having fun. Tower defense is as a whole an underrated genre if we talk about the best games of all time. It also is a game that offers achievements that add a lot to the gameplay by challenging you to change your tactics.

    They of course had to make the second one mobile only and on top ruin it with microtransactions. :( Greed is why we can’t have nice things.

  • Maybe that differs per culture, but here in the Netherlands I know plenty of right-wing voters who don’t deny the issue at all. They acknowledge it’s a problem, sometimes even want to put effort into fixing it. Their arguments against are usually “we’re such a small country, so whatever we do won’t really affect anything anyway” and “it’s already going quite well, no need to be ahead of the curve”. I’d say that’s actually by far the largest group of right wing voters in my personal experience.

    It is not just happening in the Netherlands, I can see it in Germany too and there is this study that found it all over Youtube. It is the same group and the same denial, just their agenda framed differently, because they could not win over people with right out denying climate change anymore. They just switched the narrative to “can’t do anything against it” :


    The report published on Tuesday shows a shift from the “old denial” – that climate change is not happening or not anthropogenic – to the “new denial”.

    These new denial narratives that question the science and solutions for climate change constituted 35% of all climate denial on YouTube in 2018, but now represent the large majority (70%). Over the same period, the share of old denial has dropped from 65% to 30% of total claims.

    The report authors believe that this shift is because the scientific evidence is now more accepted and hard to dispute, so those aiming to win people over to climate denial and delay must discredit the solutions and people pushing for climate action.

  • I think it is about this currently happening:

    https://www-wiwo-de.translate.goog/technologie/wirtschaft-von-oben/wirtschaft-von-oben-212-britische-atomkraft-hier-manifestieren-sich-die-spannungen-zwischen-china-und-dem-westen-in-der-britischen-kernenergie/29183042.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp German website translated with google.

    The French state-owned company EDF and the state-owned China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) are responsible for the construction and future operation of Hinkley Point C. .

    On the one hand, EDF had to postpone the opening originally planned for 2025 several times, most recently to 2027. The energy company justified the delay with the Covid pandemic. EDF also had to adjust the costs of the project several times: While initially talk of 18 billion pounds, the construction of the power plant is currently expected to cost more than 32 billion pounds - a cost increase of 80 percent.

    This could cost EDF dearly. When the contract was signed in 2016, the Chinese partner CGN only agreed to cover 33.5 percent of the then estimated 18 billion pounds in costs. In return he received a 33.5 percent share in the project. Given the recent squabbles between the governments in London and Beijing, it would be no surprise if CGN sat out the next round of financing.

    Basically if the Chinese don’t pay the UK won’t pay either. This is terrible because EDF had already to pay a huge fine for a Finnish nuclear plant that finished (haha) 12 years too late and the French government is also running out of money building their own nuclear plants with EDF, while having to keep their old plants from breaking down. They had to raise the price of nuclear power for 60 % this year and decided to build additionally offshore wind plants, because they finally had to realize new nuclear power plants will arrive way too late. It’s a huge mess.