• 2 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2024


  • oh i’m stealing ‘in a couple years ago’ that’s great.

    I think one nice thing about transitioning later is it seems easier for us to not give a fuck. I sort of force-masced myself 30 years ago and now i’m delighting in undoing all of that.

    The affirmations really work, especially if you say them out loud. A lot of advertising and self hypnosis works because the brain puts fewer filters between direct audio and your mind. If you distract the executive network and the salience network is relaxed your brain just kind of accepts things it hears at a low level.

    Good luck darling I believe in you <3

  • hey sis! If you’re as pretty as me you are gonna have a good time! If you look at my post on the makeup comm you can see my boy face better without the glasses. I’m going to be 50 in a couple years.

    When i first shaved my beard (after not shaving it for over 10 years) it was physically painful to see my face in the mirror. The vagus nerve in my chest would clench with anxiety. I hated my face so much.

    My therapist helped me work out affirmations based on this meme a trans friend sent me that i was in love with:

    So every night i spend an hour walking and I spent a lot of the time repeating out loud to myself over and over ‘ValenThyme is so pretty and she loves herself limitlessly’ and variations of that.

    I wasn’t raised positively and was pushed to reduce my feminine behavior. Nobody ever told me I was a pretty girl. So i told myself, a thousand times. And my dumb crow brain listened. And now it is true, I love myself limitlessly and I can see the pretty girl when I look at myself. Okay we are a woman now, the beginning stages of an old lady probably. Whatever, I love myself limitlessly and I’m going to spend the rest of my days doing the things that make me happy.

    It sounds like you are learning to see the true happy you inside and that is tremendous! Love yourself limitlessly and be free with us the skies are delightful!

  • It’s just personal preference. Some trans women get surgery, some don’t do anything and are happy with that. And everything in between.

    I’m told you are to wait almost 2 years after starting E to get implants, to give your breast tissue a chance to develop (you go through 2nd puberty when you take it).

    Personally i want them to match my big frame, so the DD’s will be for going out when I want to look feminine. When going to the gym i’m probably going to stick with the cutlets especially for doing laps the larger ones are heavy af and make you really warm. At home i sometimes just wear the bra with nothing in it but it’s pads just to feel nice.

    I don’t mind the questions you’ve been quite respectful curiosity is great!

  • I had six boobs to return so it really was a big bag of 'em!

    there’s like 3 levels,

    cutlets, these are soft little pads that are self adhesive or you wear them in your bra. They don’t get very big. I’m 6’2 and am wearing these now and the bra is underfull.

    breast forms, these are like for mastectomy replacements or trans women or crossdressing. They tend to have nipples. I’m a big girl and need 500 gram DD’s to match my frame. These will slide into pockets in my bras or just be held into place by compression. They feel realistic in the bra! My new ones are getting here friday i can’t wait I didn’t want to return the other set but the matching bra didn’t fit.

    full chest plates, these go from like your neck to your waist and include your shoulders. These let you do advanced stuff like wear dresses that look like you have real boobs. I cannot imagine wearing one if these they look sooooo hot!