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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Again, you’re conflating two different things here. Evidence and hearsay are simply not the same thing.

    I’m not conflating the two, I’m saying hearsay is a type of evidence, it’s just not a very good one. You can use hearsay to support your overall claim, but that can’t be the only peice of evidence you use. It’s not transferrable unless attached to a greater body of evidence.

    There is a big logical difference between something that’s a verifiable a fact and and assertion.

    Yes, hearsay and anecdotal evidence are not proof that something happened. They are a claim that something happened.

    There is no evidence anecdotal or otherwise to support the assertion.

    We’ve just made the whole circle again. I think you may be accidentally conflating the meaning of evidence with the meaning of proof. Perhaps English is your second language?

    “Proof is a fact that demonstrates something to be real or true. Evidence is information that might lead one to believe something to be real or true.”

    Furthermore, legally speaking, both anecdotal evidence and hearsay have zero value if you really want to go down that route.

    That is what I have been saying the entire time.

  • Anecdotal evidence means that something factually happened, but we don’t know whether it’s statistically significant or not.

    I don’t believe that’s what anecdotal evidence means. Anecdotal evidence is generally understood to be information based on personal observations.

    Hearsay is reporting what other people attest to have observed. Logically and legally they are weighted the same. There is no logical difference between trusting what someone says, and believing what someone says someone said.

    I think we are having a misunderstanding of what evidence means. Evidence isn’t something that supports reality, it support your argument or theory. There may be anecdotal evidence that a million people are in encampments, but that just means someone reported it. It’s not good evidence, and can be dismissed as easily as someone reporting the opposite. However, it is technically defined as evidence.

  • These are claims as opposed to evidence though, and these claims must be weighed against actual evidence and contrasting claims.

    Yes the 1 million thing is a claim, which is “supported” by anecdotal evidence. Which as you say needs to be weighted against negating evidence, and can be dismissed by contrasting anecdotal evidence.

    Again, not trying to attack your overall argument, just pointing out a problem within the framework of your negation. Mostly because you seem like a person who might care about that.

  • The whole conspiracy theory started with a claim of millions of Uyghurs being supposedly imprisoned story is based on two highly dubious “studies.”. However, this claim is completely absurd when you stop and think about it even for a minute. That figure 1 million is repeated again and again. Let’s just look at how much space would you actually need to intern one million people.

    Based on the article you linked from quartz, I think you may be misconstruing the claim of 1 million people in detention. The article seems to suggest that the potential million people have been through the process of work or education camps, not that there are a million people actively held in detention at the same time.

  • you people found your angle to attack rhetoric you don’t like.

    People who don’t ignore historical context?

    comparing Zionists to Nazis is based on their nationalism and commitment to oppression and genocide.

    Again, reductive. Based on your own criteria basically every powerful nation today can be accused of being a Nazis.

    By that criteria the Han were Nazis when they overthrew the Manchus, the American governments were Nazi when they expanded west. When you lose definitional context, all of history and it’s lessons begin to become opaque.

    By just saying any act of colonialism or ethnic violence gets lumped in as Nazism, it redirects the blame from those who committed the acts to generalized ideologies that you associate with the third Reich.

  • Zionism is about Jews having land.

    Again, highly reductive. This is minimalizing the hundreds of years of pogroms across Europe and Asia the Jews endured, resulting in the inception of Zionism in the 1800s.

    I wonder, who wanted to give Jews Madagascar? 😲

    Did you not read? I told you it was one of the Nazi schemes to answer “the Jewish problem” while stealing their wealth to redistribute among party members.

    I’m not saying you can’t correctly compare aspects of Zionism to Nazi Fascism. I’m saying that you can’t equate the two to be the same thing.

    Zionism’s popularity among Jewish communities in Europe didn’t become popular until the rise of Nazism in Germany. It didn’t become popular in Asia until the Soviets began forced deportations after the doctor’s plot.

    Ignoring the actual historical context, just logically it’s full of internal contradictions. If Zionism predates Nazism by a hundred years, wouldn’t they be the ones who invented fascism?

    You are accidentally supporting actual Nazi propaganda about the Zionist intentions for turning Germany into their new homeland.

    Again, I’m not saying that I support Zionism, I don’t even support fucking borders. It’s just that if we continue utilizing Nazism for every argument, it loses it inherent meaning, thus giving cover to actual practicing Nazis.

    I do however think it’s important to discus how fascist governments create fascist governments. It’s actually something Hitler and mousseline talked about, that to fight against fascism a governments only response is to become more militaristic, and thus more fascist.

  • No it doesn’t. Fascism as definition uses what suits them best and what’s give them power, they are opportunists. The church was a good way for them.

    Lol, no true Scott’s man for secularism?

    Hard to be nice colonialists though.

    Again, are all forms of colonialism fascist…?

    Ok , if you like to split hairs, biggest funders of the state of Israel and it’s colonies at its formation.

    Splitting hairs? The whole point of me saying you’re being reductive is that you are ignoring large swaths of historical context.

    biggest funders of the state of Israel and it’s colonies at its formation.

    Israel was formed in 1948, three years after the fall of the Nazi party…

    The largest state contributor during the formation of Israel was Britain. They were in control of Palestine at the end of the war, not Germany.

    I think you are recalling the Nazis “attempt” to relocate Jews to places outside Europe, including places like Palestine and Madagascar . The Nazi made several schemes to deport “willing” Jews prior to WW2, in reality they were just schemes to seize assets before the Jews left the country.

    Google generic fascism. And nazi support for Israel.

    Perhaps read more material about Haavaar agreement than a quick Google search?

    The Germans weren’t funding Zionism, the Jews being forced to leave the country were, and the vast majority of property seized from the Jews never made it to Palestine.