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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023

  • Traister101@lemmy.todaytoProgrammer Humor@programming.devwait what
    4 months ago

    Looking at code on somebody else’s screen is entirely missing the point of using tabs over spaces. The entire point is that mine looks like how I want and theirs looks like how they want even though the file is identical. We can each have wildly different tab width and it’ll look wildly different to each of us when we program. That’s again the point.

    Code formatters are great! I love them. Using tabs over spaces is objectively a better formatting option. One of my favorite features in code formatters is that they’ll swap out spaces to tabs for you insane people who insist on mashing the space bar to indent.

  • Traister101@lemmy.todaytoProgrammer Humor@programming.devwait what
    4 months ago

    What’s yaml have to do with anything? It’s like python with syntactic whitespace which is unrelated to this discussion. The Tab vs Space debate is entirely around non syntactic whitespace which doesn’t effect how the code is parsed. And yes Python technically does both tabs and spaces but it’s all sorts of fucky.

    Terminal editors while still used a ton aren’t really what I was referring to. Newer terminal editors such as Helix have tab width configured per language most of which default to a width of 4 spaces but toml/yaml both default to 2 spaces. I was mainly referring to GUI editors as frankly that’s just what most people use nowadays. JetBrains IDEs, Visual Studio, Eclipse, VS Code, Notepad++ were primarily what I was thinking of as I’ve used all of them and they all default to a tab width of 4 hence why I said nearly universal. Also I said nearly terminal editors being the only editors I’ve used that don’t default to a width of 4 seems like a fair usage of the term.

  • Traister101@lemmy.todaytoProgrammer Humor@programming.devwait what
    4 months ago

    Then don’t? The whole reason nearly all the spaces guys do 4 spaces is cause that’s the nearly universal tab width. You won’t like this but the same exact argument can be made for spaces yet I’d bet you haven’t even once configured the width of those.

    I don’t actually change tab width, it’s the default 4 spaces equivalent for me but just because I don’t take advantage of the ability doesn’t mean I should prevent others from doing so.

  • Traister101@lemmy.todaytoProgrammer Humor@programming.devwait what
    4 months ago

    Tabs are objectively the better choice as it allows each dev individually to decide tab width in their editors. Spaces in contrast don’t allow this same flexibility as they are used for much more than simply indentation, for example you likely put a space after each argument or operator IE func(arg1, arg2) or 1 + 2.

  • It’s part of the type yet it’s also a unique identifier. That’s the whole thing with east or west const. const int * is a immutable mutable pointer that points to mutable immutable memory. int *const is a mutable immutable pointer that points to immutable memory. int const * is the same type as the first example, a immutable mutable pointer that points to mutable immutable memory.

    Same stuff applies to references which makes it easier to think of the variable owning the * or & as if you want that pointer or reference to be const it has to go after.

    Edit:I am a moron who managed to get it exactly backwards :|

  • There’s been “new” battery technology in the works since we starting using lithium ion and nothing so far has come anywhere near close enough to replace it. Sodium just like all the other “exciting” failed ideas in the past decade isn’t gonna go anywhere either.

    Sodium batteries on the infrastructure level would work wonderfully but you’ll never see them in your phone or even a car. The energy density just is shit. There would need to be some unexpected advance in the technology to gain ~50% energy density just to meet lower end lithium ion.

    But really electric cars aren’t the future anyway what we need to invest in is public transportation. Electric busses, trains, trams, hell why not self driving scooters that’s way more practical than a whole ass car.

  • Well like asembly has “int types” and “float types” as there’s specific instructions for those operations but those instructions don’t actually care if the bits are for a float or an int. Types in a language are used to restrict the valid operations. In a statically typed language you cannot call cat.bark() or dog.meow() because the property’s of the type, what things you can do with it are known before the program runs. In a dynamically typed language such as Python cat.bark() might or might not be valid so it has to check at runtime for a method throwing an error if it doesn’t exist.

    Static/Dynamic typing is a difference of when. Java has static typing but you can also just pass raw Objects around and cast when needed. It even throws a runtime exception similar to how Python or JavaScript would fail. However Java is of course ultimately statically typed everything just shares a common parent class and has types at runtime which allows for some some psudo dynamic behavior

  • It’s not stopping anybody. If you are a horny enough 13 year old you’ll find it on any platform. Speaking from experience YouTube, Instagram, Reddit (obviously lemmy as well) and in short the rest of them can be pretty easily used to access porn. It’s not allowed on for example YouTube but it’s still there or it manages to be technically allowed through being “educational content”. Obviously we aren’t talking about like Brazzers or whatever being directly uploaded but there’s definitely naked people doing proactive things.

  • Well the thing is that good AI models aren’t manually tuned. There’s not some poor intern turning a little knob and seeing if it’s slightly more accurate, it happens on its own. The more little knobs there are the better the model is. This means essentially you have no idea how any knob ultimately effects every other knob cause there’s thousands of them and any little change can completely change something else.

    Look at “simple” AI for playing like Super Mario World https://youtu.be/qv6UVOQ0F44 shits already pretty complicated and this thing is stupid. It’s only capable of playing the first level

  • That’s how Reddit works/worked. Probably lemmy too though I haven’t looked too close. Deleting your account doesn’t necessarily mean the content your account created is taken with it. Things not being deleted with your account is a werid thing to cite for spy ware, lots of stuff works like that and you can delete it, just isn’t automatically deleted with your account.

    Discord having security flaws does not make it spy ware. There have been some pretty severe security issues but almost every one I’ve heard of has its roots in a gullible user running some sort of application on their machine or scanning a QR code with the Discord app which makes it extremely clear you are logging into another device… The only one I’m aware of that I found very concerning was iirc a werid video player vulnerability that could yank your token.

    I highly doubt Discord is giving advertisers access to the messages on their platform. That sounds insanely illegal and also largly a waste of time cause if they are doing that it doesn’t work very well.

  • Well I’m not like against Spotify and whatever else. I do use YouTube for what you are talking about but like my daily music, the stuff I want to like actually listen to when I feel like listening to music. Hell yeah that stuff is downloaded. I’m not tryna listen to Crazy Frog all the time, only when I’m feeling crazy.

    As for storage space, I really just don’t think that’s a problem nowadays. Course since it’s hard as fuck to get a micro SD card in a phone these days you can be stuck with whatever amount the manufacturer gave you but even then 2gb worth of space is 32hours worth of music. That’s a entire day and a half of listening to stuff before anything repeats. I honestly just can’t imagine the kind of person to cycle through music frequently enough where that’s a problem.