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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • & I do realize in hindsight it is a lot smaller than 4 inches. As the other poster suggested, I’m not trying to ascribe meaning to it… just wondering if anyone is familiar with the potential symbology.

    I grew up in a literal haunted house. All of my 4 older siblings had things happen, their friends would never want to sleep over after one time and would often leave early. Even my older brother when he was 16 with 4 other teenage boys had an apparition appear in the garage they were all sleeping and they ran out screaming.

    My first memory with it was playing hide and seek when I was 4 and being under a desk, with my ear pressed against the wall. I heard a man’s whispering. I didn’t realize until I was 18 that where that wall bordered was directly adjacent to the closet one of my sisters had a shadowy figure stare at her from at night for years. She would often ask if any of us would sleep in there with her at night as she was terrified.

    I am 100% serious, though being diagnosed later in life with bipolar type 1… Well, it is hard to be definitive about such things. I have another example if y’all are interested in hearing about it :|

  • That’s not addressing my point of… Why is the king receiving preferential treatment? His role is ceremonial. You could make the argument he’s paying for private treatment (I don’t know if he is or not), if he’s not why does he get to skip the NHS cancer treatment wait list? If he is paying for private… What exactly has he personally done to allow him to have the ABILITY to pay for said treatment:| Not saying all the royals wealth should be seized for the peoplez, more why is his families life style still to my understanding being subsidized by British tax payers? The tourism they bring in would still be coming, it’s not like they’re going to sell Buckingham palace if the gov stopped paying for their shit.

  • I’d be happy to provide a multitude of sources from north Korean defectors collaborating that. Or you could go to North Korea and interview some of the people outside the tourist areas in Pyongyang and get back to me…? Wait o.o I dont think they let you do that. also, interesting that you latch on to that point and not the winning the war/having a better economy part (south Korean soldiers being taller by multiple inches isnt just genetics).

    The US does abandon their allies pretty frequently, but that is real politique for ya. South Korea is just not a good example of that. Considering that Vietnams communist government is more closely aligned with the US than China/Russia, pretty interesting imo.

    I’m open to changing my mind about North Korea, but I’d love to see sources and not just rhetoric! :) I’ll provide mine if you have a specific question. & there are non-western aligned sources who have done interviews with said north korean defectors. Also, pretty lawl that instead of pointing towards your sources, my comment just got reported and removed. Reminds me of /r/conservative

  • Hopefully people turn out in 2024 and stop us going down the 1930s Germany route… my mother recently moved to Pennsylvania from a deep red state, and was saying that due to Bidens “corruption”, she didnt think she would vote in 2024. Upon further questioning, my hyper conservative fundemantalist Christian uncle had been sending her news.

    Hope my arguments convinced her otherwise, she detests Trump & the Republicans. Her vote DOES matter now. Have her set up with a variety of news websites & Firefox/ublock origin etc, and not “Townhall” garbage.