Yes, and no ads either.
I wish it was more funny :(
Might as well just stop paying for premium then if they’re going to ding you anyway.
Off topic but I’ve never seen a more horrible beard on a man.
My kids and I have been on a Vermintide 2 kick. Its so damn fun when you’re sitting next to each other.
Best damn show ever put to television.
Best option for wireless is to grab a portable DAC/amp like the qudelix5k or fiio btr5 and plug your headphones into that.
I like good headphones but I don’t like spending good amounts of money on headphones with the built-in point of failure of a battery that will inevitably crap out after a couple years. I deal with that enough with my damn phones.
Multiple hours per day. I listen to a lot of podcasts at work on my porta pros and music on my etymotics. I don’t like dealing with wireless stuff.
Lol, Archspire has this trope at the end of their music videos.
Don’t be a soup hater, enjoy a flavor saver.
Saw this in my inbox and totally thought it was for this comment lol
If anyone wants my genetic information just come to my door and I’ll supply it to you directly 😏
Do you by chance listen to a lot of death metal?
It’s called hentai, and it’s art.
I use the older version of this Xduoo XD05 if I’m going “mobile”.
I got a Topping E30/L30 stack but you can’t go wrong with a JDS Labs Atom stack or a Schiit Magni
I don’t know but I’ll bet your ice smells a bit off.