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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023

  • TheDoozer@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlAnon dislikes reddit
    12 days ago

    “I posted incorrect information and then people downvoted it, so now people can’t see the incorrect information I posted! This site is horrible!”

    Sounds like it’s working as advertised. Don’t post incorrect info if you don’t like downvvotes. Upvotes mean “more people should read this.” Why do people need to read you being wrong? How is that a good contribution?

  • A put a hole in the side of a helicopter that left it grounded for a week.

    I accidentally tapped it with another piece of the helicopter. I’m happily working on helicopters that are made of metal now, so no more of that nonsense.

    Edit: also, honorable mention because it wasn’t my fault, but I made a helicopter drop an external fuel tank when it took off… by replacing a light bulb. It was on the button that makes the helicopter drop the external tanks, but there are failsafes so it will only do it in the air. Apparently the internal switch got stuck, so the second the weight was off of the wheels CLONK… and a tank was laying on the active runway. Excellent.

  • If it’s something you want and your partner doesn’t care one way or the other about, it shouldn’t factor in.

    If you want to make the candles you use around the house, maybe they smell nice, maybe they get used, maybe they’re cheaper than store-bought, but that’s a hobby.

    If you do a bunch of baking, especially for people outside the home but even inside it, and your partner isn’t all about you cooking, that’s a hobby, and you clean up your own mess. That’s not chores (unless you’re getting paid).

    Chores are necessities to keep the communal house going, not anything that takes effort.

  • You’re missing the point. It’s not a one time thing. Evidence existed, that evidence was found, and that’s what made it change to being accepted.

    That evidence still exists, so if you claim dinosaurs don’t exist, we can just point to the evidence that still exists. That evidence didn’t get spirited away like golden plates to heaven. We’re still finding dinosaur bones.

    If you claim dinosaurs don’t exist, I would point to the wealth of evidence that they do. If you were raised in some religious cult that never taught anything about dinosaurs and taught that the Earth was 6000 years old, and therefore didn’t think giant creatures existed hundreds of millions of years ago, it would absolutely be on the person claiming they exist to show you dinosaur bones. Which is evidence.

  • Okay, I need to say it: having an ad for your own programming is still an ad.

    Paramount. I’m looking at you, Paramount. I don’t want to watch your shitty movie/TV show/whatever about the shitty mom from the His Dark Materials series losing another kid. Stop playing the same goddamn ad for it before every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Especially since you feel the need to double whatever goddamn volume I have set in the opening to the ad. I pay for the subscription, I already bought your product. Fuck off with your shitty ad.

    I mean, others do it too and it pisses me off, but I’m on Season 2 of TNG and I may just have to get it some other way and canceling Paramount because that ad has started really getting to me.

  • I was in a group that traveled the country and stayed in school gyms over the summer. I can tell you, the worst school bathroom I had to poop in had a combination of all the worst things:

    The toilet paper came out one piece at a time, like a napkin box at a restaurant but facing down. It was also this super thin ply.

    The “stalls” were actually just small walls that went up to your shoulder (when sitting) and forward to your knees (when sitting).

    They had a mirror running the full wall opposite the “stalls,” so you had nothing to look at but the wall of dudes pooping or furiously pulling individual tissues of tp out.

    AT A HIGH SCHOOL. That shit should be considered abuse. I am so sorry for anyone who had to go to that bullshit school.

  • I’ve got an… overly simplified answer:

    To a bigot, your challenges are annoying so they would avoid talking with you. So if you do want to engage with them, constantly (and aggressively) challenging their bigotry will prevent that. But why would you want to interact with bigots unless you absolutely had to? Their bigotry chafes you as much or more than your challenges chafe them. But also, if you live in some backwater place, and constantly seeking out and challenging bigotry means everybody around you wants nothing to do with you, then you’re going to have a rough time.

    In the same way, a vegan person challenging your dietary choices chafes you, and they may feel (and you may understand) that they have every reason to make the challenge, but it still is likely to prevent you wanting to engage with them. If most people around them are not vegan, and they seek out opportunities to challenge people, they’re going to have a bad time.

    But I also think there is a big difference between being in the minority and seeking out opportunities to challenge people (e.g. vegans in meat-eating society) and being the majority and seeking out opportunities to challenge people (e.g. religious area and self-righteous pricks starting conversations by asking if you are worried about going to hell).