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Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Outta the 3 mentioned, I gotta pick ketchup, but if we’re talking favorite sauces or condiments, gotta give it out to toum. The incredible garlic taste in a spread is to die for and works wonders on everything from veggies to steaks to chicken to bread. Seriously, try making a grilled cheese but 86’ing butter and subbing toum. Fuck, that’s amazing.

    Shout out to kewpie mayo, tho, the condiment I use irresponsibly on so many things it doesn’t belong…

  • I think you should try it. I think an hour is appropriate for a lot of the story beats if you have a decent memory, though maybe an hour and a half would be better suited to some of the more involved parts. A lot of this is affected by your reading speed. There’s a lot of reading.

    For what it’s worth, I also played it in bursts, but probably something like 2 hr sessions. There’s a lot of rough, serious material in that game and I found it a lot to process at once, so I took breaks between sessions fairly often.

  • How thorough of an understanding do you want?

    One could read Wikipedia pages on the broad strokes of these topics and have a fairly functional definition of both to get on with their daily lives. Or one could take a more academic approach and read Marx and Smith along with other philosophers and economists.

    Part of the issue with both methods is that the meaning of Communism and Capitalism seem to change depending who you’re talking to and in what context. They are both such contentious topics that there’s a great deal of propaganda, misinformation, common misunderstanding and willful ignorance around them.

    So, are you hoping to engage in debate (or moreoften argument) about the merits of one or another? Or just hoping to gain enough understanding that you aren’t confused when the topics come up in casual conversation? I’d advise against the former. It’s exhausting and seems unproductive. At least online. In person, it makes more sense, but you’ll have a hard time finding people who are opening to considering changing their opinion on either system. If it’s the latter, you can really just make stuff up, it seems like most others do anyway.

  • I’m a man, I’m 5’5" and I’m far beyond caring about my height. It bothered me in high school but I found out shortly after it really doesn’t matter that much if you carry yourself confidently.

    That said, I’ve seen a number of other cis men find confidence in themselves by using short king self referentially and hearing people they want to date celebrate “short kings”, so it seems to be a useful term. I’ve also seen a number of trans men find it to be a confidence boosting term, combating the dysmorphia of their perceived height deficiency.

    I’ll revel in such things with my friends for laughs, but, ultimately, it doesn’t do much for me, but I like seeing what it’s done for others.

  • Pretty good! I was kicked out of home at 17 and finished high school by floating between friends houses. Doing that, I met someone who helped me get into a college, tho I couldn’t afford to pay for more than a year. I was briefly homeless, but I had a car (ideal), but now I live in a lovely single family home with my boyfriend and another couple. I worked my way up from a sales job into a management role at a company and I don’t have to do all that much daily. I’ve made a network of friends who have become my found family and I love them very much.

    Holidays are a bit strange. I disliked them for a while, but I later learned it was less that I disliked the holiday and traditions, but I disliked being alone. People go back to their bio families for holidays and I just can’t do that. Being Jewish made this a little trickier, as even when non-Jewish friends wanted to participate (which was so wonderful and sweet and made me cry multiple times) you have to teach them the traditions and how to say things in Hebrew or Yiddish. Imagine celebrating every holiday with your young nieces and nephews who need to be taught what to do. Finding and befriending more Jews really helped with that as I can usually tag along with their families.

    There’s times when it’s clear my experiences are different from most others. When people talk about family, I often misjudge the importance or weight of those conversations and the behaviors around families. I’ll hear someone complain about the horrendous things their sister or brother are doing and how they help them anyway and I’m baffled. I don’t entirely know what to say and how to be empathetic in the right way when someone’s aunt or parent dies. I don’t understand the anxiety someone has when their mother visits.

    But I think I’ve successfully built my own little family community. A group of beloved friends for whom I’d do anything and vice versa. It took about a decade, but it’s come together well and I don’t feel some deep longing for a blood related family connection because I have them and they have me.

  • Hey I had to do this same kinda thing after realizing men are hot in my late 20’s. Do you have LGBT friends? Hang out with them. Ask them to invite you to other queer hang outs, events, etc. Ask them to take you dancing. There’s something so completely euphoric about dancing in a gay friendly club where you can feel comfortable being you. Go to the gay bars! They’re fun. Get on the dating apps and aim for making queer friends first and foremost. They work far better for meeting new friends than dating. I didn’t care for Grindr, personally, but if you’re just horny, it’ll do its job.

    The dating aspects will all come together after you make a bunch of gay pals and just start existing in queer spaces. And remember, every confident person you meet there was once in your shoes! Don’t be embarrassed to ask questions on how to do things, just like this, we alllll been there!

    And congratulations!! It may seem scary now, but you’re about to have a lot of fun.