Access to “real time” kernel which is useful for drones etc.
Access to “real time” kernel which is useful for drones etc.
Personally, I use KDE on Debian and it works great on my 2011 Laptop.
I just think, especially for a beginner, remembering the ‘under the hood’ commands, e.g. package managers, different preconfigurations of installed packages e.t.c., for such different distributions is probably quite challenging.
As Nobara is Fedora based and Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu/Debian, perhaps stay in this eco system and use some Fedora spin/derivate on the Laptop as well.
Good luck with the transition away from Windows!
That’s odd. I hate closed eco systems.
If proton supports CalDAV (I’m not sure), it should work e.g. with DAVx5 which integrates well with Android calendar.
Like my professor used to say: “Implementation is trivial, a trained ape can do it.”
OSMC (Debian based), if you want to install additional software or LibeELEC if you like to use only Kodi.
They recently managed to complete porting to QT5 framework. Thus it is still missing in distributions that do no longer ship QT4, like e.g. Debian 11+.
The algorithm was trained only on illustrations form continuum mechanics books.
It seems that the implementation of classdev
in Octave is unfortunately not complete enough yet.😒
Exactly. The Debian team is quite conservative in fixing non-critical bugs in the stable branch, as it may introduce new bugs.
If one wants more up-to-date software, the testing branch is a valid choice or Siduction, if one is brave enough.
Speaking of Debian:
No bugfixes? Yes. The software will not be changed to fix a usual bug.
No security patches? No. Security patches are applied.
I think I’ve found a solution. Matlab has implemented symunits
in the symbolic toolbox and I’ve found the original? on Github. Hopefully it is compatible to GNU Octave.
With symbolic variables J, s
and W
, the Ws
won’t be converted to J
The Octave miscellaneous package has embedded GNU units as a function which should be helpful.
Thanks for asking. I’m using Debian and didn’t know either. :p
I know, but NK politically isn’t that far away from PRC.
I recall a statement from an article I’ve read several years ago on the presentation of Will Scott, a professor who has been in NK, at 31C3 2014.
Als sich Scott Root-Zugang verschaffte, fand er ein für Normalnutzer unzugängliches Programm, das die komfortable Einrichtung verschlüsselter Datenträger erlaubte. “Das ist interessant, wenn ihr einen AES-verschlüsselten Datenträger braucht, an dem die NSA garantiert nichts manipuliert hat”, scherzte Scott.
When Scott gained root access, he found a program inaccessible to normal users that allowed the convenient setup of encrypted data carriers. “That’s interesting if you need an AES-encrypted data carrier that the NSA is guaranteed not to have tampered with,” joked Scott.
Red Star OS ftw.
I don’t know how it came into my luggage either.