Hang on, does this say “schools charge transaction fees when you pay for lunch online”??? As in, a parent puts $20 on their child’s tab for lunch and the school taxes it so the kid only gets $18? That’s wild.
Hang on, does this say “schools charge transaction fees when you pay for lunch online”??? As in, a parent puts $20 on their child’s tab for lunch and the school taxes it so the kid only gets $18? That’s wild.
If you look at projects in more popular languages like JS, Rust, Python. There is plenty of new blood in the contributors list. I won’t speculate as to why, but it looks like the new generation doesn’t like c and c++.
I think this is also backed up by the Linux kernel and thunderbird projects. Both are old c/c++ codebases and both have stated they are adopting rust in hopes of drawing interest (and contributors) from the rust community.
I love when I make a small code change and then I make my PR, CI runs and some piece of code entirely unrelated fails and it’s now my job to work out how these two unrelated things are related.
I think I understand this;
cancel -> submit the POST request and cancel -> undo this thing. maybe they shoulda just used submit & cancel or cancel & exit instead.
Your completely correct but Google also tells me that, at least in the case of Uber, it will calculate the tax for the ride and you just have to report it to the government at the end of the month. Also there are some really cheap accountants you can use over here and I’m sure they exist overseas as well, but I suppose I don’t know OP’s financial situation and neither of these are free.
In Australia my employer reports my income and does all the tax before I get paid. Then at tax time I go to the Aus tax office website; review it, add any claims I want to make and submit it.
This is an American solution to an American problem.
I didn’t know we even had dynamic compiled languages but a quick google search tells me Lisp counts. Wonder if Musk actually knew that or if this screenshot is taken mid dunning-kruger.
If you think this is more structured than traditional SQL, I really disagree. Is this a select * query, it’s ambiguous. Also what table is being queried here there’s no from or other table identifier.
When I went rooting around to find it. I figured it was some QA process that starts 5 seconds after the video loads (the timer seems to be async and the code sends a promise off while it waits). Of course, it’s all minified JS so it’s a huge pain to read.
Yes but no. Modern PHP lets you put types in function signatures and it will then attempt to convert your inputs to those types at runtime.
JS/TS and Python don’t do this. They have optional type annotations that’s treated as syntactic sugar. You can use static checkers against this but if you get an error like “expected string got int” you can still run the code. It won’t behave any differently because you have annotations.
Ahh yes memoization, the complicated way to say “remember this, I might need it again”
you probably don’t need to learn it, Deno was a massive upgrade over Node and it didn’t matter, not convinced this will be any different.
You can also do this with dart. I swear there was another “new” language which could also be compiled to JS as well.
Well, I’m not American.
In Australia you either bring your own lunch or you bring cash for the school shop. If you have no lunch then the school feeds you from the shop and charges the parents later.