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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Skates@feddit.nltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldAdult daughter. Should I disown her!?
    4 months ago

    What fucking dysfunctional system are you from that shouting is your go to?

    1. Task the kid with something you never taught them how to do

    2. Kid fails because they don’t know how to do the thing

    3. Shout at them because you don’t know other parenting methods

    4. Do it yourself

    5. Lessons successfully taught to your child: it’s normal to not teach your children, it’s okay to shout, you can’t do anything as well as your parents, you can use your inability to do things to force others to do them

    Hey, thank your parents next time you see them, I think they might’ve helped raise my ex girlfriend.

  • I work on crap like this, and it depends. Yeah, diagnostics are done in the car - the main ones, that is. But for example BMW collects data from all their cars - they’re able to do some big data analysis. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the diagnostic info this app provided is an inference - your car has software version 4.3.21, and all cars on that sw version have experienced a certain bug at 200k km, so it’s time to go to the dealership or get a remote update or something. It could be done.

    Most likely though, they’re just taking the personal data from your car and showing it to you. You know - after also saving it for themselves.

  • my only point is that it will be a toy, or for niche applications.

    Your only point is the same point people with no idea of how things work have been making since forever. “It’s just a fad”. This was claimed about cars, about the internet, about computers, about videogames… Literally anyone who’s out of touch with reality and resents their lack of creativity or ability to think of a use for a groundbreaking technology positions themselves this way. It’s not new, and maybe it’s sometimes worth debating, but not when you follow it up with something like this:

    this isnt going to be a an ipad-level device.

    The iPad? Really? That’s your idea of a gamechanger? If you think ipads are anything except “a toy” and “for niche applications”, you’re living your wildest years, my dude.

  • These are Apple’s devices

    But that’s the thing - they aren’t. Not once they’re bought. At that point, they’re my device, or your device.

    Surely you can see how having a single supplier can be a bad thing, right? That supplier has no incentive to deliver quality. Why would they?

    If you want to start baking cookies and sell them, you need to beat several bakers in your town and several companies in the rest of the country if you ever want to be successful and profitable. This is because there are already several well-established suppliers who have proven they make great cookies - why would anyone buy from you?

    On the other hand if you’re the only one selling - you can reduce cocoa content in half to save costs, you can replace quality ingredients with cheaper versions for the same reason, you can increase prices as much as you want - the cookie-seeking customer will still buy, because there are no other options.

    Sure, you can also be the best baker in the world. You can put love and care into every cookie that leaves your shop. You can care about customers and make sure they get the best stuff, because you have a monopoly and you can enforce that view.

    But in reality, what actually happens is that those decisions don’t belong to you. They belong to the soulless company that only has one purpose: maximize profits. And you can be the best person ever, but if you’re working for a publicly traded company you’re at the mercy of shareholders.

    Why would you want this? Forget about apple, why would you want this in any field?

  • It is.

    Personally, I’m not against it. Acting means by default imitating something. Pretending you are something you are not. If AI can do it as well or better than actors, I’m okay with that.

    Maybe we’re at a stage where the voice actors of tomorrow will be simply those who can configure the AI to output the voice most fitting the role, rather than those who can reproduce it with their own vocal chords. They’re different skillets - I see no reason why one should be more important and worth saving than the other.

    This is progress. The only bad thing about progress is that it won’t benefit the many, but the few that can capitalize on it. This, I do regret. But on the other hand - I’m sure all the horse ranchers were very much against cars when they first appeared, and not for environmental reasons, but for more selfish ones. And while it might’ve been sad for so many of them to have to start working in a different field, it’s also undeniable that cars have made a huge economic impact on the world and that living conditions as a whole have improved since their invention.

    Idk. It’s a whole thing. I really hope these people can find a way to ride the wave. Because right now it looks like they’ll just be crushed by it instead, and I for one can’t justify impeding progress for the love of the few people stuck in the past.

  • Compared to anything nowadays, yes - Oblivion was awful. But let me tell you, I played that game as a kid and it wouldn’t have been even half as interesting with no VA. When you’re a stealth archer and someone gets close to you and you think you’re safely hidden, but then you hear “you’re not supposed to be here”, it scared the hell out of 15-yo me and made me run away sooo fast. I tried morrowind just after that and couldn’t stomach playing it - no VA? At all? It was awful.

    Maybe we sometimes forget, games are also for kids. Kids don’t need the best acting. And while adult me can’t take oblivion VA seriously - it is still one of the best games I’ve ever played as a child, while Morrowind never even made it into the list because I was spoiled by playing Oblivion first, with its VA, bad as it is.

  • I constantly feel the need to argue with this dumb fuck and his 99% wrong opinions. I usually have to take a step back, remember it’s not worth it, and then move on. It would be a great help if I had a Firefox add-on that precedes all of musk’s tweets with "retard weighing in: ", just as a reminder that he’s also allowed a point of view, despite his mental issues.

  • The ‘why not’ is not from the perspective of the industry - it’s from the perspective of the customer. Can you automate several tasks by using AI during game development? Sure. Will it translate into a better price or a better experience for the end-user? Let’s see.

    Let’s say you give AI the unimportant tasks. You manage to reduce a lot of waste and maybe optimize your workflows. You improve efficiency. Maybe you can make more games in a shorter time span. Will you be willing to sell the games for less than the standard $60? I find this unlikely. This impacts me as a consumer - why don’t I see a reduction in cost, if it now costs less? Why am I still paying the same price for something that your improved tools can make at a fraction of the cost? Didn’t my previous purchases already give you enough money to invest in AI? Where is my benefit?

    Let’s say you give AI the big tasks - you make it write story, generate graphics or code. But AI’s current level doesn’t allow for originality, or even cohesive thought. You’ll be churning out garbage until your AI is actual intelligence. This again impacts me as a consumer - why am I sponsoring your experiments with my money? Why am I paying the same for garbage as I would for quality content? Will you share your end-game profit with me? If I buy your first games to support your endeavor, do I get the next versions for free? No. I don’t. I’m just wasting money on inferior products, and when they become superior - I will reap no benefits.

    So - sure, let the companies throw themselves at this. But I’m not investing my own cash in their research.