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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It’s actually not saying that at all. I specifically said that I expected her to dislike it.

    The rest of us, less emotionally invested in the person as a person and more as a deceased performer, will have differing opinions.

    The creators of this and articles around it keep referring to it as an impression that speaks to their motives a little. This is why i used that common colloquialism. I suspect that the timing of this may be motivated by recent news surrounding the actors’ strikes.

    Demonstrating how this could be used to convincingly create content from an actor without any of their intentional input (evident by him being dead) should make people question these capabilities more, just like they did when people first started seeing convincing deep fakes.

  • It’s in the article, isn’t it? If they weren’t writing American flame bait, it would just be about European buying trends. You don’t have to say they are rejecting anything.

    Neither of the SUVs I’ve owned were American. The Germans were happy enough to make and sell one of them while the Koreans made the other.

    I’m just tired of articles being written like it’s a rejection of American ideals when it probably isn’t a factor on anyone’s mind at the time of purchase. Rage bait, pure and simple.

    Peoples reaction to my post kinda demonstrates why it works, though. They are so anti-american that being called on the unnecessary inclusion of us in the headline gets people upset. Don’t let your media turn us into boogiemen for the cars that some people buy. We do enough real shit to get mad about without making up stuff.

  • True~ish. Farmers get subsidies in general, not just ranchers. But this is also Hamburger we are talking about. If the meatless patties were to replace the steak in a steak sandwich, they’d be more comparable in “price for function” comparison. The meat in hamburger patties is recovery from more expensive cuts and is basically designed to be cheap while the meatless patties are specifically designed to replace them.

    It’s like building a small fence with pallet wood vs. what you’d buy at a lowes or something. Neither is gonna be priced at the premium of a boutique lumber mill or restaurant, but their inception doesn’t startvevenly.

  • We do. But on Halloween, we trade showing off our children in cute costumes for candy. And I mean… I also buy candy for the other kids.

    It’s a holiday.

    Teenagers in costumes are less cute.

    I’ll pass out candy to anyone who comes to the door, and I like offering to parents as well, but I judge parents that have a big bucket for themselves the same way I judge people that empty bowls at unattended houses. Just because it’s technically allowed doesn’t make it approved.