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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It is what it is.

    Who cares who has the last word? What does it matter? Of what benefit is having the last word in a matter when it is almost always used to be hurtful? Would it not be better to let the other person have the final say so that the confrontation ends as soon as possible? If you can apologize, do so, even if you think you don’t have to. It does no harm.

    Only a weak person believes that being strong means digging their heels in. It takes a truly strong person to willingly walk away.

  • Sadly, many many people, even in first world countries, struggle to attain financial stability their entire lives, and unfortunately most never do. But do not give up hope.

    Do you have any friends or family in another country that can help you and your mother figure out how to legally leave your country to move to another as soon and affordably as possible? It may be an awkward phone call or letter or any way to communicate, but it is important to take this into real consideration. Sometimes a big change is necessary to make your opportunities in life more favorable to you.

    How willing are you to work? If you think “there are jobs that I simply cannot do,” why do you think you cannot do them? Is it a legal or physical limitation, or is it because “I don’t want to?” Take any jobs you can, even if its not the job you want. Work hard and work often. You will probably have to take multiple jobs. See if you can help your mother to find work also.

    Find a hobby you like. Not all hobbies cost money, some are as simple as star gazing. Whatever it is that you find interesting or enjoyable, try to do that in your spare time often. Hobbies can help you relax and take your mind off of daily worries. They can help improve your mental health, at least until you can afford a medical professional.

    I won’t sugarcoat it, you have a tough road ahead of you. But put in the hard work and its possible you can change your situation. If you never believe you can change it and you never try, then you never will. But if you believe you can, and you try very hard, then maybe you can. A man can only get to his destination if he walks there, right? He won’t be going anywhere if he never moves.

  • Spam and scam, and if there is an optional comment section, explain the situation as you see it there. YouTube will handle it from there, though I am not sure how effective that will be.

    You cannot catch them all, so long as you report it then you have done all you realistically can do. Sure, you can stalk the user and confront them (dangerous, and probably illegal, so don’t do that) or harass YouTube via email (annoying and causes unnecessary strain on their employees trying to do other work so don’t do that either), but the best thing you can do is report it and leave it up to YouTube. At that point if they choose to do nothing, you did your best and the blame for enabling that kind of behavior is entirely on YouTube.

  • It is certainly a minority. As a side note, most people these days prefer to buy a pre-built PC for more than deal with buying parts individually and assembling it themselves for significantly less money.

    I know someone that decided they wanted to try buying parts and assembling a new PC for the first time ever, and when their motherboard arrived cracked they decided to return everything and buy another pre-built instead of just RMA’ing the motherboard. Cost difference of like $800USD for a worse machine because they didn’t have the patience to RMA a motherboard. Its literally so easy to assemble a computer, but because they didn’t get it exactly right on the first go they have given up on it and will never do it again.

    What’s wrong with people? What happened?

  • I gotta be honest, while the Lemmy experience is a bit better than Reddit in some ways, its also the same if not worse in other ways.

    Instance admins and mods are not really any different from the ones on Reddit. They’re still not immune to power tripping, and I have had to leave some communities and an entire instance that was suffering from that.

    Its the same flaming garbage everywhere you go, because the flaming garbage isnt the platform, its the people. Sure, one or two users or communities might be okay if theyre niche enough, but the amount of people and communities I have blocked or filtered on Lemmy is drastically higher than when I used Reddit. Sure, most of those are bots or almost exclusively political stuff, but the point remains that Lemmy puts a lot more work on the user to tailor their experience than Reddit does, and that can be a very bad experience for most people that just want to laugh at memes and cat pictures.