Until it is done.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I hope he doesn’t die. I hope he’s injured critically and bedridden in a hospital with enough brain trauma to need to stay hospitalized but not so much that he’s unaware of his situation.

    I hope he experiences what I’ve seen with CON patients so many times before as their family slowly abandons them. It starts out with visits every day, then life gets busy. Next thing you know, it’s once a week. Once a month. Holidays only. When they can remember. A few times, even once a year.

    Then the outright shame avoidance starts where your family wishes they could forget you exist. They may stop visit all together. All along I wish this man bedridden in the same room the rest of his hopefully long long life, watching reruns of parks and rec and the office. Knowing the family that has abandoned him. Kids that dont visit. A wife who has found someone new.

    I hope he lives through all that and is put on suicide watch so he is restrained to his bed and forced to dope up on antidepressants and antipsychotics. And I hope he lives to be 100.