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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • First off: Not a pediatrician. Babies do not have a fully developed immune system. As such, a number of “unrefined, natural” foods such as honey can be critical due to the heavy bacterial load (don’t worry, honey is perfectly safe for you). Cooked meat should not be an issue, I wouldn’t do raw meat tho’. In fact, my first “proper” meal was apparently beef with carrots.

  • Ah yes, the famous occupied territory of Bavaria. Unfortunately for you, I AM Bavarian, so quit your bullshit. The Märchenkaiser may have sold us out, but Bavaria is and always has been a part of Germany. We actually had one of Germany’s first democracies, albeit small. You should try it, it’s great. We just didn’t like the Prussians, that is all. There are people calling for secession, sure, we call them the Beer Party. You should drink some, and maybe get your mind out of Winnie the Poo’s rear end.

  • You seem to have misunderstood me: Right-wing politicians utilise various strategies to “identify” anti-semitic arab migrants (with very large quotation marks) by equating support for Palestina to anti-semitism. Is it stupid? Yes of course. Does that mean that all of Germany is practicing an arab-scare? Fuck no. Besides: it is not about “using force”. Regulations dictate that you have to previously register or at least announce any type of public assembly, especially demonstrations. It is not a huge crime if you don’t, but you will face a fine and it WILL be dissolved. That also holds for actually anti-semitic demonstrations, demonstrations organised by the AfD or other national-populistic parties, demos against vaccines etc. You have a right to demonstrate, but you have to follow certain guidelines. In this case you argue that it was not a demonstration as it was only one individual and I believe you are correct here. The whole thing could have probably been avoided by a) registering a proper demo and b) living in a nicer part of Germany (as stupid as that sounds, but some countries are definitely more strict and shitty than others when it comes to foreign-looking people). This way, all we did was provide a nice headline for people to get angry about. Well done.