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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • Don’t go in expecting the same style. It’s not a bad book, but it’s definitely told with a different ‘voice’, or at least it felt that way for me. I enjoyed it, it was definitely not my first choice for a backstory, but getting to see what makes Snow such a good villain in the first 3 books was really nice.

    I think what hunger games was calling attention to, the dangers of unchecked capitalism, the prevalence of group think and the uncaring pain inflicted on out-groups different from your own, and told through a lens that also let’s us draw parallels to the way women are treated in society at the time, really struck home when I was younger and it really fit the ‘times’ it felt.

    That is juxtaposed to what I think ballad of songbirds is telling, which is almost a shift in the opposite direction. The protagonist is a male, and it’s pointed out quickly that he’s expected to be the Man of the family and all that entails. Where Katniss didn’t care what others thought of her, but had to play the game for survival, Coreo CONSTATLY obsesses about his appearance and how others perceive him but he also plays the game for survival. Both protagonists are poor, scraping by by the skin of their teeth, but one knew of a time before the war and so he has a sort of longing for a time when his family DID have wealth and he knew those luxuries. Katniss hated the system, Coreo believes he can climb on top of it. Coreo is in the “in-group”, the one that is doing the exploiting, and so there’s a different tone in how that conflict is perceived and discussed.

    I’ll say no more as to not give any spoilers, I recommend it and it’s not long.

  • In this instance it’s:

    Light, guy on right - police chief’s son, genius student with good grades and a tennis champion for extra curricular to get into a good school. Has ideas about what people should die for and what isn’t being punished. Loses same sleep as guy on left, or so we assume, but hes a sociopath so the loss of sleep is more to do with thinking and less to do with fear or regret

    L (just the letter), guy on the left - internationally recognized detective. Also genius. Also really good at Tennis… I guess. It comes up once. Works with police and police chief to find the bad guy. Suspects Light, tells him so and his dad and enrolls in the same college. Does care about people, will make decisions where others are hurt if necessary but does clearly have morals. Weird dude, sits funny, likes sweets.

  • That’s not brainteasers or evil, there’s a fucking wall of text of nuance in front of you, you should read it. He’s not saying it’s good, or that it’s right, he’s saying it’s smart to leave.

    If you want to live, with the best chances, leaving makes sense.

    If you want your children to grow up somewhere where they don’t fear for their lives, leaving makes sense.

    If you don’t want to be subject to the attacks of a hostile nation that is basically mandated to be directly next to you, leaving makes sense.

    It’s terrible, I would hate to have to leave my home and the place of my community due to violence. But I am not so attached to any piece of land that it is worth more than my life or the life of my family. If people choose not to leave, I understand the reasoning, but I still believe it a safer and smarter option to leave.