The movie Trick 'r Treat, scaring the neighborhood kids, and blowing out all the jack o lanterns at 12:01.
And leave out a bowl of milk and a tray of candies for the demons/fairies overnight.
The movie Trick 'r Treat, scaring the neighborhood kids, and blowing out all the jack o lanterns at 12:01.
And leave out a bowl of milk and a tray of candies for the demons/fairies overnight.
Haha. It’s always a vibe. Saw a little kid dressed as the warden from Minecraft and I pretended to have the darkness effect and gave him a wad of mini crunch bars. I think he was super happy to get recognized!
And they aren’t hard and fast rules. Just a sliding scale. And after being on candy duty for the last 15 years, you kinda just internalize it.
Plus, Halloween is all about the rules. Say trick or treat. Don’t blow out your pumpkin before midnight so the demons don’t get ya. Always check your candy.
There are rules for my parents house. I give out the candy there and we go through like 30 pounds of it in a night.
Not Saying Trick or Treat? No Candy. (EDIT: If they don’t say it, I always ask them “What do you say?” Which is funny too. Sometimes they go through “Thank you” “Happy Halloween” then finally get to “Trick or Treat.” Then they do get their appropriate amount of candy.)
Saying Trick or Treat with no costume? One candy, low tier.
Trick or Treat with Costume? 2 pieces, probably some chocolate.
Trick or Treat with High Effort or Very Unique costume I haven’t seen 10 of all night? 3-4 pieces def some chocolate and a ring pop.
Within that, older siblings escorting younger? Extra piece + glow stick.
Family Costume Set? Extra piece and my mom takes a picture of them.
I scare the shit out of you when I rip the door open? Extra piece?
I scare you and you cry? Extra chocolate.
Babies? Mom deserves an extra piece.
I don’t think I’ll ever be one of those. Tho, TexasDrunk always seems to chime in when he sees me. But it has been a while.
Hi TexasDrunk, hope it was a good Halloween at the bar.
And they are collectively shortening our lifetimes too so we pollute less so they can keep their jetliners running during a lunch break in France!
Truck bros park in the dead center of 4 spots.
Turns bulb slightly in socket
Like oranges?
Apparently the client I was using didn’t render codeblock markdown. Thanks for the pointer. Found a better client.
Requires ffmpeg and imagemagick
# Check if input video file is provided and exists
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_video>"
exit 1
if [ ! -f "$input_video" ]; then
echo "Error: Input video file not found."
exit 1
# Get video duration in seconds (floating-point)
duration=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 "$input_video")
# Check if the duration was successfully extracted
if [ -z "$duration" ]; then
echo "Error: Could not retrieve video duration."
exit 1
# Calculate fps as 20 frames divided by the duration
fps=$(echo "20 / $duration" | bc -l)
# Create a directory to store frames
mkdir -p frames
# Extract 20 frames from the video using the fps filter
ffmpeg -i "$input_video" -vf "fps=$fps,scale=200:-1" -frames:v 20 "frames/frame_%02d.jpg" -loglevel error
# Create the collage using ImageMagick's montage tool
montage -mode concatenate -tile 5x4 -geometry +2+2 frames/frame_*.jpg output_collage.jpg
# Clean up temporary files (delete frames directory)
rm -r frames
echo "Collage created: output_collage.jpg"
Is it bad to root for climate change? Life on earth was a mistake.
I should invest in a radsuit.
Feed them to Poseidon. He likes the taste. And so do the boneworms!
I hope he is personally sued for emotional distress amongst other things. Big egos need to be shown the door.
Because you can or to prove a point.
As to the quoted text, I assumed it was a reference to not getting more deeply involved in it that would cause legal issues for himself.
Blanket+dog+floor of small closet.
Absolute insanity.
I would have abused this great and terrible power in just the same way he described. Random orders for random tables at random restaurants at random times in small quantities for as long as they aren’t protected. Just enough to be an inconvenience/awkward but not enough to raise alarms.
And now I will check every QR code I scan at a restaurant.
Gender inequality isn’t solved via paperwork. If anything that would make pay equity even harder to achieve.