• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • There is a single aspect in which the Switch remains superior: Simplicity. Sure, you could take the time once to set up Yuzu and your Switch games and be rewarded with superior performance.

    But the technically less experienced user might be put off by the fact that you can‘t just plonk in the game and play it. That‘s however not exclusive to the Switch.

    I tried downloading Switch games from uuuuh… rather bespoke sites and they had a rather uuuuh… curious idea of what ads you could throw into the users face. Vivaldi‘s integrated adblocker simply couldn‘t handle those sites. That discouraged me from downloading games for now. Luckily MIG-Dumper is there to save the day and allow me to back up my games to later play them in Yuzu.

  • There was a landlord on TikTok who essentially asked for tips. He had his friend play a renter that refused to tip him and argued that if waiters get tipped just for delivering the food to the table, the landlord totally deserves a tip for being available for calls and fixing stuff.

    One giant shitstorm later and we end up with this meme and the landlord making a TikTok in which he said that it all was a joke.

  • Open Source doesn’t mean automatically that applications look ugly. It only means that they look ugly on non-Linux systems. Like VLC Player, Open Office, etc.

    Linux systems are easy to install. The real challenge is to diagnose an issue. What caused the crash of GTA V? The new Mesa drivers? The new Gamescope update? Some update in the game that breaks in conjunction with KDE running in Wayland? But you launched the game in xwayland, how could Wayland still cause trouble? Or is it the latest FEX update you installed because you saw a Youtuber playing Elden Ring on their iPhone 14 Pro with HoloISO and you figured that the 15 Pro should handle the game perfectly?

  • Shootings do not happen in a vacuum. They happen due to external factors such as political or religious radicalization or “just” bullying. This does not absolve the shooter of the responsibility of course since the response to, let’s say, the Great Replacement Theory lies in the hands of the shooter. The shooter could have not shot non-white people.

    But then we have the people spreading the Great Replacement Theory. The people that tell their audience day in and day out that if they are not careful, there may be no whites anymore. If you keep hearing this or other racist shit day in and day out for many many many years and do not trust another source of information because the same people tell you that the other media is corrupt… You’re bound to turn “crazy” one way or another.

    There’s probably even more nuance but my point is: We really shouldn’t let the people turning responsible gun owners into shooters through propaganda just get away with it, should we?

    Especially in the right wing where this is a known tactic. They radicalize people and if something goes awry, they just disavow it. The right wing pundits disavowed the Jan 6 rioters they themselves “inspired” to fight for democracy. They disavowed the Club Q shooter they themselves “warned” about trans people.

  • I hope her creative resistance doesn’t get incorporated as part of the brand of her workplace.

    EDIT: To the downvoters:

    Brands have begun to incorporate some imperfections into their marketing. For example the Deutsche Bahn, our german railway company, are sometimes making jokes about how their trains are notoriously late. Are they making their service better? No. Or not noticeably so far. I think McDonalds have also made jokes about their broken soft ice machines and they did not do anything to make them more reliable. According to iFixit, they and the company making the machines have actively fought against a small company that wanted to make a tool to making fixing these machines easier.

    So that’s why i hope that our wig-wearing heroine doesn’t just get incorporated into the marketing instead of being allowed to show her pink hair.