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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I was ready to be mad at you for making me google it, but it turned out to be the same iusnaturalist bullcrap that was already centuries out of date when I studied that stuff and had memory holed, so… meh.

    Fond memories of my college years, though. Feeling young and smart and so, so intellectually superior by pointing and laughing at those guys because back then we all thought things were mostly going to get better looking forward. Good times.

  • Oh, big difference there, though. Suicide Squad actually IS a looter shooter driven by a wish to chase a business trend from five years to a decade ago. Guardians is a strictly single player Mass Effect-lite narrative action game (which yeah, given the material that fits).

    I’d be with you in the argument that it would have been an even better game without the Marvel license, because then they could have skipped trying to rehash bits from the movies’ look and feel, which are consistently the worst parts of the game. But then, without the license it would never have been made, so… make mine Marvel, I guess. Well worth it.

  • Nah, I’m mostly kidding. About the being my enemy part. The game is, in fact, awesome, and you should fetch it somewhere before the absolute nightmare of licensed music and Disney IP bundled within it makes it unsellable on any digital platform forever.

    Seriously, I bought a physical copy of the console version just for preservation, beause if you want to know what will be in the overprized “hidden gem” lists of game collectors in thirty years, it’s that.

  • Well, then you’re my enemy, because that game is great, Marvel connection or not. In fact it’s a fantastic companion piece ot the third Guardians movie, because they’re both really good at their respective medium but they are pushing radically oppposite worldviews (one is a Christian parable, the other a humanist rejection of religious alienation).

    And yeah, holy crap, they made a Marvel game about grief and loss and managing them without turning to religion and bigotry and it was awesome and beautiful and nobody played it and you all suck.

  • Well, it depends on when they cancelled it and on how much it cost. That thing didn’t sell THAT poorly, but Square, as usual, was aiming way above what’s realistic. Estimates on Steam alone put it above 1 million copies sold. You can assume PS5 was at least as good.

    Based on those same estimates it actually outsold Guardians. Which is an absolute travesty and I blame anyone who hasn’t played it personally.

  • I am honestly not super sure about this strategy of buying your way into being a major publisher by vacuuming up IP nobody else was bidding for. What did they think would happen? Did they think the old majors were leaving a ton of money on the table and then realized too late that these really weren’t that profitable? Or was it just a bid that the low interest rates would last forever and the portfolion would just pay for itself if they bundled it large enough?

    I don’t know what the business plan was meant to be, and it’s kinda killing me that I don’t fully grasp it.

  • I make a living off of media creation and have for over twenty years, across multiple mediums and in different capacities. Some of the stuff I’ve worked on has been DRMd and some has not.

    The financial benefit coming my way has not been dependent on DRM at any point to any extent I can discern. You want to impact “the right to financially benefit from their creations”? Fix the fact that companies can just hire a creator to work for hire and own all their output in perpetuity with no requirement for additional compensation and indeed no IP rights staying with the people doing the actual work.

    If you’re gonna high horse me with the morality of financially compensating creators you better be talking about the actual creators, not the corporations keeping the bulk of the revenue.

  • You are overestimating how much we’re willing to think or talk about this. It may be a cultural thing or a socioeconomic thing, but with media subs being a thing for decades there’s a blob of people where some have each other’s subs, different people are paying for different subs and there are different shares and accesses floating around. Some of the subs come from cable bundles, even.

    I’m pretty sure in the extended friends and family group there are multiple bundled subs for some of the same services, some of which may not even be in use because devices are grandfathered into the first one that got acquired.

    We really aren’t putting that much collective attention into this problem. People just watch what they have. When a show isn’t in a service the group has access to it just gets ignored. I’m easily the most engaged in the whole thing and even I don’t care that much. So that explains why I’d be making decisions about which tier of Netflix is being paid. I am the one who has paid access to that one, and I’m the one engaged enough to have an opinion. At one point I told the group that Netflix had hiked prices and I had downgraded to the 1080p tier with two screens, in case we hit the screen limit or the location restrictions. Everybody just shrugged, said “eff Netflix” and moved on with their lives. We’ve never hit the limits or been flagged for password sharing.

  • With music it gets weirder because for some reason we’ve all accepted that anybody can just upload music to Youtube as long as they’re fine with whoever owns the rights reclaiming the ad revenue, which is very weird.

    But in any case I think the value calculation gets a bit weird for a number of reasons. TV was indeed overpriced in physical media, but movies were a different story. It’s gonna depend on your consumption habits, but I can tell you there’s no way my average viewing on each of the services I pay for at 15 bucks a pop (not ten anymore on any of them, unless you’re ok with also watching ads) is anywhere close to one movie or five episodes on average. Across the whole lot, maybe, for each individual one? Probably not. Across the whole household… maybe.

    Second, a lot of the media consumption was not made physically at the time, either, TV was a thing (and depending on the time period a source of home recordings, which are also fair game). But then those options haven’t been technically removed, I guess, so… I don’t know, it’s hard to calculate.

    Which I guess is part of why these services are so resilient. It’s hard to figure out if you’re over or underpaying relative to the alternatives, and since there’s no way to grasp the core cost or value of what you’re getting intuitively it’s hard to understand if they’re priced reasonably, either. Netflix was doing this at a loss in that “disruptor start up” style that broke the 2010s that who knows what entertainment should cost at this point.

  • Well, no. I was happily buying my games on discs and cartridges and my movies on DVDs and tapes and my music in CDs. If they’re going to swing around, tell me I’m buying digital licenses and I can no longer do the legal things I used to do it’s them who owe an explanation.

    I have no idea why you feel the need to shill so hard for these things, but it’s clearly not sticking. You’re putting the onus on the customer and, as a customer I get to just say “no, screw you” and keep buying physical media instead. It’s a shame that more people don’t, but it’s pretty obvious that having them take over my computer to limit what I do with my purchases is damaging to me, and I don’t have to like it because you say so.