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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2023

  • Israel is accusing 12 UNRWA employees to have taken part in the Hamaz raid on Israel on December 7th. That would make them active terrorists. Furthermore Israel is saying that about 190 UNRWA employees are members of Hamaz or the Islamic Jihad. That would be 0.6% if true. As for the Bundeswehr or German Police, you would see everybody suspected of terrorism being suspended immediately. This is looking especially bad, as the IDF seems to have found a large bunker system used by Hamaz under the Gaza HQ of UNRWA. If this turns out to be true, that really makes the entire organization look bad. I am very certain the Bundeswehr would be dissolved, if they would find a hidden Neo Nazi terror organization bunker under the HQ of the Bundeswehr.

  • Belarus just had a popular position candidate for presidential elections. When the results were shown it ended up in huge protests in the country, which very well might have removed Lukashenka from power. The reason they did not was Putin sending his troops to crush it.

    If you have something similar in Russia today, you have the army fighting in Ukraine, the economy is in a dumpster fire, Ukraine and the West are going to help the protestors and there is nobody to march in and crush the protests. In addition to that the number of different armed groups in Russia has increased a lot and chances are some are unhappy with Putin. Wagner marched on Moscow after all.

    So best choice is to not have an election at all. However that chance is gone now. Calling it off would make Putin look like he knows he would loose. So he has to fake it and the best way to do it is to have no actual competitor, who could win besides him.

  • It is so typical of German governments to pretend that Germany is the worst in the world and to make up for it ends up helping facists. That was basically what happened with Russia with NordStream. It is also very much what seems to happen with Israel today. Obviously the creation of Israel was in a large part Germanys fault due to the Holocaust and Germany has a moral obligation to make up for it. However that should mean no more genocides and not do everything for Israel, including supporting a government, which openly calls for genocide in parts.

  • You can see right on the screenshot 57% renewables with wind being the biggest source of electricity. That means by adding 75% more renewables Germany would be able to support itself. The reason Germany sucks so badly at this is that it uses coal instead of gas. Gas power plants have a third of the emissions of a coal power plant per kWh. In terms of share of low carbon electricity Germany is doing alright and is building a lot recently. Since Germany has coal power plants instead of gas ones for the most part, it also means Germany is replacing those coal power plants. So this should go down quickly.

    Also battery storage is growing extremly quickly in Germany and the rest of the plan is hydrogen in gas power plants for dunkelflaute. However at current rate Germany should have an electricity system as clean as France within a decade. The built up numbers for renewables are strong enough for that and we are talking about nearly 60% renewable electricity production last year already.

    France has had a huge nuclear crisis in the last couple years with a rather long times half of the power plants being down due to technical issues. The UK is currently having 6 out of 9 npps down.

  • It prohibits sales of fossil fuel cars in the EU to final customers. Companies can still design them and sell them abroad. There is nothing illegal about that. What this does do is bring EU auto makers into a position, where they have to invest into green technologies. The important thing is that it is the right thing to do and we know how. So if we do not do it, other countries will and by being the leaders, we will have the best technology or at least have a good shot at it.

    Obviously a lot of suppliers are going to have problems with it. When you built combustion engines, you have a hard time transitioning. However we also have demographic labour shortages, which means that it is a good step for us.

  • The Nordic countries currently have some massive problems with their electricity system due to this. A good number of power plants have issues, this lead to electricity prices in Finland to go insane. The price peaked a 1.90€/kWh today. That is electricity exchange prices and mainland Europe is around 0.10€/kWh today.