Ok - thanks. Yes it’s not my first language and it was not clear for me. Words often have two or there meanings and I was not sure about it. So I asked.
Ok - thanks. Yes it’s not my first language and it was not clear for me. Words often have two or there meanings and I was not sure about it. So I asked.
Thanks for your Support. I will register at Pretendo, donate something and hope for the future.
Why the downvotes? Bad englisch? I don’t get it.
Very cool. Looks good - I will try it.
Thank you for the Information. Down, or dead… forever?
Is it possible to use this with the wiiu console, or only with PC?
If you use it for sçhool, or a private course I can recomend QUIZLET. You can connect units from other users, or create your own. It’s a bit like a free Version of PHASE 6 (I only know the free Version of QUIZLET…)
But it’s totaly not like DUOLINGO.
Grill it with chocolate.