Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • They key for gyro aiming on a console where the screen is attached, is to get the movement to be as one to one as possible, to make it work as if the screen is a portal into the game world that turns in a matching direction as you move the device.

    I had this revelation back with the PS Vita, where Killzone Mercenaries worked this way by default. It was magical for an FPS game to play that well on the tiny vita with its miniature analogue sticks.

    The joystick camera input and gyro also worked in concert, I’m fairly certain the game hybridized the input signals such that if you moved the device to correct your aim, that would override any current input signal from the stick, making it possible to correct overshoot and undershoot in a way that almost felt like the console was reading your mind.

    I’ve not been able to get that with steam input, but you can get close.

  • Yes. Nine months is long enough for stuff to potentially be broken due to changes in matrix or discord.

    Even if you don’t care about double puppeting, I was referring to the fact that out of your element doesn’t do puppeting. At all.

    As in no DMs or discord account log in. All it does is mirror chat rooms onto matrix, allowing matrix users to join them. It does not link to your existing discord account in any way.

  • I use mautrix. It creates a matrix space where all your discord stuff goes, and within that it will create spaces for each server you manually choose to bridge.

    DMs also go into a DMs space. DMs are bridged automatically, but each server you want has to be added with a command.

    Looking at those three, appservice is old, and out of your element does not do puppeting (meaning it bridges discord-matrix chat rooms, rather matrix-discord accounts), making mautrix the best option IMO.

    If you are looking to make a discord server you run accessible on matrix, out of your element may be better.

    For using your own discord account through matrix, mautrix is the obvious choice.

  • Lots of drugs and foodstuffs have biological effects we don’t understand.

    Medicine doesn’t always work by looking at exactly how a molecule interacts with every other molecule in a living organism, but rather by simply observing the effects.

    It doesn’t kill, and it works for most people. Ok, it doesn’t for you, that happens. But I can tell you for a fact it does for me.

    That we don’t understand how it works doesn’t stop it from working, and that it doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it’s useless for everyone else.

    I for one am happy I was able to buy paracetamol in addition to ibuprofen when I needed it to sleep during an extremely painful ear infection, because no over the counter drug on its own was enough.

    If anything, public knowledge on what exactly it can and cannot do should be improved, as well as what side effects mean you need to look for something else.

    I live in a country where there are strict laws regarding advertising of medical devices and drugs, so there’s very little “snake oil” bs around medicines here. If you let them brands try to claim every mild effect an effective ingredient might have makes their product a cure-all for a litany of symptoms.

    Asking a pharmacist for a recommendation is always a good idea, that’s how I found out I could “stack” the painkilling effect of paracetamol and ibuprofen, and it worked extremely well.

    Obviously, it would have been less ideal if like you I experienced side effects when taking paracetamol.

  • No.

    Paracetamol/Acetaminophen is well understood, and an effective drug when used where applicable.

    You are right in that nausea and abdominal pain are common side effects for some people, and simply means you should be trying something else. I’ve personally never suffered this.

    Its ability to reduce fever is unclear, and even in high doses the difference it appears to make is minor. But for pain-relief there is no doubt as to its efficacy, though its effect is inferior to most other drugs available.

    However, when taken together with ibuprofen, it provides pain-relief even more powerful than either drug alone.

    If your problem is with the brand Tylenol advertising it like snake oil, then you likely have a point.

    It can’t relieve cold symptoms except for a stuffy nose or significantly reduce fever. It’s basically just a very weak painkiller. I only ever take it if ibuprofen isn’t doing enough.

  • There has always been ways to make stupid money in the game.

    My favorite has been to cozy up to a local faction so I can get assassination assignments that pay the big bucks, and void opal mining was still super lucrative last I checked.

    Bounty hunting is a bit slow, but taking on a a mercenary contract with a faction to fight for them in conflict zones pays well IIRC.

    The real grind is engineering your ships and weapons, though that was also improved significantly by making it so re-rolling your mods can only make them better, never worse.

  • I’ve the same card.

    By non-free do you mean you are using amdvlk?

    Don’t do that, Vulkan performance is nearly double on RADV.

    If you have multiple drivers installed, (amdvlk, amdpro, vulkan-radeon) you can install amd-vulkan-prefixes to select which one a given application should use.

    Then add vk_radv as a command prefix to use the open source implementation, vulkan-radeon. It’s the best performing one and as such should be your first choice even before the non-free drivers, unless it has problems with a given game.

    Alternatively, simply uninstall amdvlk completely leaving vulkan-radeon as the only installed driver.