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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • How do you feel when someone turns everything not Shrek into Shrek? Who gives a damn? Nexus didn’t pull rank with the BG3 mod that makes everyone gay. The fact that one group in the category is bigger than the other doesn’t matter. That’s just discriminating specifically against the majority which makes no more sense than discriminating against the minority. Pick a stance that isn’t hypocritical. You can have your all gay wonderland but they can’t have their all straight wonderland? Get fucked. Get fucked however you like. I’m personally only interested in gameplay and graphical improvements, but I won’t waste a moment dealing with a discriminatory host like Nexus.

  • Idk what that is. This is about that mod where some dude wanted all the relationships in BG3 to be straight couples. Nexus mods is okay with all the relationships being gay, but not all of them being straight? The hypocrisy is ridiculous. We can’t have our fantasy play time be dictated by other people, so why should they?

    Edit: It might have been Skyrim. Not sure. Either way, people should get to do whatever they like in the privacy of their homes with whatever shapes please them, and it shouldn’t be up to Nexus mods to say which communities can share their fantasy shit and which can’t do long as they’re positioned as the primary access point for the whole modding scene. It’s literally discrimination. Those who say otherwise are probably the same trolls that say only men can rape.

  • Oh yeah definitely. With that second one, is be requesting explanation for myself!

    It’s really just that when I start to say anything about anything I’m interested in, I get a “why do you think I know anything about that?” a lot, so I shifted gears to the opposite early in life. I go explaining all the things involved with what I’m talking about before I get to the point and people think I’m tangential.