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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • Oh man you missed the pinacle of Nokias phones. The possibilities of the N900 where endless back then. Emulators, IR Blaster, High Quality Camera (for back then), all the Linux software, free Wifi everywhere (Because everybody still used WEP and the N900 would crack the password in like 20 seconds) and so much more. The transreflective screen 800x480 worked incredibly well. Low power and still very good visibility, only in bright sunlight the colors were washed out. I always wondered why they never used this technology in modern devices.

    Then the N9 which lacked some features, but was so handsome and user friendly. It had an OLED but also the Clear Black technology which prevented the screen from reflecting to much sunlight, making it readable in the sun even though it had much lower brightness than todays OLEDs.

    Sadly all this was killed by Elop who came from Microsoft and tried to push Windows phone, slowly downgrading the amazing hardware till Nokias phone branch was dead.

  • Interesting. For the Nokia N900 there is Maemo Leste which also uses mainline Linux (+ a few patches they are working to mainline) and there everything works. Mind that works means in this case: Does what I want if I issue a number of console commands. However most of it by now even works via the GUI.

    Keep in mind that Leste is a project by a few enthusiasts and writing drivers for undocumented hardware is a monumental task, writing GUI for a whole mobile OS is also complicated. So it is utterly astonishing, how far they got!

  • Macros@feddit.detolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldThat's LTT in the bottom
    7 months ago

    Sure because Error Code 0x8007057 tells you immediately how to solve the problem.

    Linux error messages like error: kex_exchange_identification: client sent invalid protocol identifier "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.1" are completely arcane tough.

    I support both systems. And Linux support is so much easier. Mostly in runs out of the box. If it runs I continues to do so and If you have an error you get a specific message like above.

    With such a message you either:

    • See right away how to solve the problem
    • Search it online and get a specific solution for exactly you problem
    • Or you can ask Experts for a solution for your specific problem.

    With Windows: No systems runs out of the box, I always have to install additional software (7zip, sane browser, …) and also for anybody remotely privacy concerned have to adjust many settings (for which tools exist thankfully)

    If an error occurs under Windows and I get a code like above:

    • I can sometimes guess by my experience what the reason is and solve it.
    • If not I search the error code and circumstances which lead to it online, then apply the 20 solutions presented one by one in hope one works
    • Ask experts which ask me to run a bunch of diagnostic utilities because the error message does not tell you anything. (Yes by now I can also guess which utility could provide relevant information, but not because Windows told me)
    • In a noticeable amount of cases the solution is: We can not determine the reason for the error, please reset everything (First a restart, then run this cleanup tool and if this doesn’t help just reinstall!)

  • Macros@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.deFuck Facists, never again
    8 months ago

    That’s the “neat” thing about the party and their voters: They are used to not base things on facts. So they write one thing into their party program and do the other thing or not, just like they want and they promise a third thing in conflict with the first two. E.g. according to their program oft 2023 the reforms they want would help the rich, but all their voters (which are poor on average) believe that their polices would help them.

    Btw some crazy points from their program:

    • Abolish any inheritance tax
    • Set a total max for the amount of money you have to pay taxes for, so if you are rich earn more and don’t pay a cent!
    • They went from “there is no climate change” to “climate change always happened, we have nothing to do with it, CO2 is a essential part of live, we should make more!”
    • Stop all wind energy projects
    • “Landwirtschaft: Mehr Wettbewerb. Weniger Subventionen” Which translates to “More competition and less subsidies for agriculture” and still they manage to claim the farmer protests for them.
    • Kids born in Germany should not have a chance to German citizenship if the parents do not have it. Regardless if they live their whole live here.
    • Ignore EU policies when convenient, reimplement border controls (or in other words, leave the EU)
    • Strive for assimilation of migrants (Yes the use the word “Assimilation”)
    • Only grant asylum to people which can fill job roles where there is a provable gap in demand and local workforce.
    • Do not mention homosexuality in school
    • Do not grant any abortion rights, force any consultant to persuade a pregnant women to keep the child.

    And I could go on. I think its pretty obvious what kind of political party they are, even from their program. Sure they have some good points in there too, but so do other parties which are not far-right and science deniers.

  • I am very happy if you can enlighten me. Granted, I do not install Windows very often (otherwise I would bake all these things into an image), and there may be improvements. So feel free to make your point and save me time.

    An no, security updates can’t run in the background. If I sit a user in front of a PC, the PC has to be secure. Which means that the zero day exploits from a few days ago which are already exploited in the wild have to be fixed. Also yes, software for basic tasks and configuration till usability is reached is part of an operating system install. Otherwise you have to compare the time to install a barebones Linux (1 Minute) with a bare Windows install (still 30 minutes).

    I currently use chocolatey for automation of software installs. But Libreoffice alone takes minutes to install on Windows even on fast PCs. If you know a better/faster tool I am happy to listen.

  • Macros@feddit.detolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldBye bye edge
    11 months ago

    For me the 30 minutes to install is about right. After that I have usable Linux and an unusable Windows.

    To get Windows to the same state:

    • Add 5 Minutes for clicking trough the "Do you want to enable handwriting? ((( We just allow ourselves to collect samples of everything you write to “improve our recognition engine” )))
    • Add 20-30 minutes of security updates (thankfully it got much faster with SSDs, before it could have been hours)
    • Add 20-30 minutes of installing necessary software like an office suite, PDF Reader with basic functionality, 7zip. This is only 30 minutes because I spent hours automating the downloads and installs trough scripts.
    • If it is my system or a company system: Add 20 minutes to go trough the settings of Win10Privacy to at least reduce the phoning home and to enable some necessary settings for working with the system like “Don’t restart at random times”
    • Add 10 Minutes to remove the installed bloatware like People, Windows Maps, Windows Experience Host, …

    In summary:
    Linux requires 5 minutes attention and is ready after 30min.
    Windows requires 40 minutes of attention and is somewhat ready after 2h30min. Even if I skip the privacy stuff its still at about 1h20min.

    To be fair: On Windows and Linux I immediately install ublock to Firefox afterwards, on Linux I run a single apt command to install some more niche software which takes about 3 minutes on a fast network connection.

  • I had great experiences with old games on Linux. Mostly they work better than on a modern Windows system. For Example Neverwinter Nights 2. Under Windows movement is jittery on fast CPUs. There is a community patch for that thankfully. Under Linux it just works with WINE (the patch is advisable for other reasons there too). Also loading times are blazingly fast under WINE and Linux. On my HDD PC 1 second vs 50 on Windows. Now with a NVME SSD, Windows also only takes 2 seconds.

    Of course Wine/Proton is not perfect, I still have a dualboot system for that. But I boot to Windows very rarely these days. When I do I am hit with so many slow updates, that I don’t get to my game. Maybe I should stop doing them and cut of its network access.

    Really old games tend to be more difficult. For a relative I set up a VM with Win98 as the performance impact won’t hurt the games, some even benefit. (I believe the games where Safecracker and Theme Park) Even older than that DosBox and ScummVM work perfectly.

  • I can’t speak for the Nvidia issue. (Only that it is widely know that Nvidia actively works against Open source and only just has begun changing their stance, so Nvidia support is still poor on Linux. Their proprietary drivers aren’t great either. I stick to AMD since using Linux, they work great out of the box)

    But the audio issue baffles me. Under Kubuntu with KDE I just klick on the Loudspeaker in the systray and choose the device. It even remembers it over unplugging and replugging devices.

    Image of mentioned audio selection popup with radio button before the devices

    Rgarding openssl: Thats the price you pay for freedom, you can change the system how you want, even into non working states ^^ BTW: You can repair such mistakes with a LiveCD even major ones like this.

  • Letting this stand this way is close to misinformation.

    Linus Torvalds got accused of sexism, as to be expected with a person so public, but nobody ever proved anything. In contrast he shows the opposite of sexist behaviour nearly every day by working with all people equally on the Linux kernel. Also his daughter Patricia is a feminist and he fully supports her. Honestly I am surprised that with so much of his communication being public (Mailing list discussions) nobody found any piece which sounds outright sexist. Not even a bad joke. He is a role model regarding this.

    His toxic behavior is another thing. And also up for discussion I think. Firm words to discourage bad behavior regarding contributions to the kernel. He went to far at times, recognized it, and improved. He still has the stance to not use overly polite words to play around any bad statements, which many think is correct to improve communication and finding a common ground instead of secretly harboring ever greater dissent. Many discussions by many qualified people on this in the net.