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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Yea, from how you made it sound it seems similar to how it ended up being in nier - make a choice that does seem like it’ll end the game, but really it’s probably not very serious - credit roll, hope you saved recently. It would’ve very much benefited from simply autosaving at the correct time.

    Imo it kinda depends on what kind of ending it is, if it’s still conclusive but maybe a bad end, that seems alright. Just if it clearly leaves me unsatisfied I’d be annoyed. I’d still really prefer just having a reload option, but I’d also rather game devs stick to their vision, just like fromsoft ganes really don’t need an explicit easy mode, it makes sense they’d also stick to this if they want to do it. It’ll be great for some people, and others will hate it, and that’s fine.

  • The random premature endings were already annoying in nier automata, and that did have save files. I almost never replay things, I get extremely bored. Took me forever to get through the second playthrough of nier automata as well, since that is so similar to the first.

    If a game pulled that on me I just wouldn’t play it ever again and watch a cut scene compilation or something.

  • Honestly, she’s insanely rich already, the main entity that would get money from buying hogwarts legacy is the dev studio and publisher. So for that reason I believe a boycott to be pretty pointless - she’s richer than anyone should ever be anyway, and that won’t change whether or not people buy whatever else is made with the IP.

    I respect anyones decision to not buy it, because fuck jkr, but imo there’s also great reasons not to care in spite of her being a terf, and I don’t think anyone should be judged for buying it.

    I think there’s a lot of backlash bc of the few lunatics that went and harrassed people for streaming the game, which of course gets reported on by sensationalist right wing media as “all trans people ever are doxxing everyone who they see play hogwarts legacy” and people believe that horseshit.

    As someone who never cared all that much about HP anyway, it’s just one more reason to spend my money on something else instead. But if the same studio made hogwarts legacy 2 and it’s somehow the greatest game ever made instead of another slightly above average open world rpg, I’d probably buy it.

    A lot of things I could buy end up giving some money to rich assholes that I’d rather not give anything to, after all. If anything, someone saying hateful things on twitter seems middle of the field, even if I’m part of the group being targeted.

  • Well then, do I have something for you that I saw mentioned in another post and has really helped answer this (funny how that happens just when I decide to actually talk about it, but it’s a state of mind of wanting to look into it i guess). https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en , aka “the gender dysphoria bible”.

    Now after reading that, the social anxiety aspect is the only thing stopping me anymore I think, though that has dictated most of my life for as long as I can remember, so I’m unlikely to get past it without societal change.

    To answer the main question of my post, considering yourself trans and just deciding not to transition is apparently just fine, because there are tons of reasons you might come to that decision.

    Though I think if I put a transflag on my social media profiles or something similar that would still least to confusion at least for cis people, they’d prob either assume I was AFAB or want them to use female pronouns to refer to me. But I’m guessing now the trans community at large wouldn’t have any issue with that either.

  • I’ve been wondering about definitions there for some time now. I do constantly wish i was a woman, and transitioning is something I’ve considered for quite a while but ultimately am not doing for two reasons

    1. i barely have my social anxiety under control enough to function normally (at least most of the time) and have some degree of social life, so the thought of transitioning before it is something accepted by >99% of society is horrifying.

    2. one of the primary aspects I dislike about being male is my appearance, but I also have at least found a style I’m mostly comfortable with and believe that with my current body state I’d just dislike how I look even more if I tried to present female, as it’d still be far from what I’d wanna look like.

    Which is to say, if being trans were to stop being a social and political problem and I lost weight I’d start transitioning in a heartbeat, and I sure relate to a lot of experiences I see transfems talk about, but I feel like calling myself “trans” in this state isn’t very fitting regardless since I feel like “trans” implies “not having decided not to transition”. But maybe I’m wrong and it’s more flexible than that.

    Sorry for randomly dumping all that under a meme but it’s been on my mind for a while and this felt like a reasonably appropriate place for it lol

  • LwL@lemmy.worldto> Greentext@lemmy.mlanon has a bone to pick with god
    7 months ago

    No, because they cause plenty of lasting damage.

    Given that apparently only very few kids that get puberty blockers bc of gender dysphoria actually decide to not transition, we should probably lower the time that even trans kids get them for by a lot and just let them go through the puberty they want already.