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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • This is the “appdata” folder, this is where all the application’s data goes.

    So whats the “Programs” folder then?

    This is also where the application’s data and files go.

    But I thought thats the “Programs x86” folder.

    This is also where the application’s data and files go.

    Ok whats “Program Files” then?

    This is also where the application’s data and files go.

    So my config file is in either one if those 4?

    No thats in the “Documents” folder, obviously.

    Windows program data file structure has always been the wild west.

  • Copyright protection only exists in the context of generating profit from someone else’s work. If you were to figure out cold fusion and I’d look at your research and say “That’s cool, but I am going to go do some woodworking.” I am not infringing any copyrights. It’s only ever an issue if the financial incentive to trace the profits back to it’s copyrighted source outway the cost of doing so. That’s why China has had free reign to steal any western technology, fighting them in their courts is not worth it. But with AI it’s way easier to trace the output back to it’s source (especially for art), so the incentive is there.

    The main issue is the extraction of value from the original data. If I where to steal some bricks from your infinite brick pile and build a house out of them, do you have a right to my house? Technically I never stole a house from you.

  • Is the actual problem pulse or blood pressure? According to my Fitbit, my hearth rate fluctuates between ~ 60 - 160 BPM through they day. A short 20 second jog can make it rise above 120 easily. But gaming is different. My pulse usually sits around resting heart rate (because my body is technically at rest) but sometimes when playing Tarkov or DayZ my blood pressure rises to the point that I can feel my own heartbeat in my ears while my pulse remains at resting rate.

  • I actually agree with you. People praise BG3 as if it were the most perfect 10/10 video game in existence. Its far from it. It is riddled with bugs reaching from minor to game breaking. The best example is the very first few seconds of the game. The first thing the players are likely to interact with is the tadpole pool after awekening on the ship.

    Minor spoiler

    It explodes, knocking you back and causing damage.

    As someone who made a few characters and played the intro section a lot, the animation is often times bugged and confusing. And thats the first interaction a player has with the game.
    A few seconds later you stand in front of a door. Usually the door opens and you can go through. But sometimes the opening animation doesn’t play. This happened on my very first time playing and I couldn’t figure out where to go, because my first instinct wasn’t to clip through the closed door. Things like this are absolutely unacceptable in the tutorial area.

    Even though they already have full controller support it is very clear why the console release is delayed. The console player base is expected to be a lot more casual and unless they iron out all the confusing bugs they run the risk of people being frustrated and dropping the game.

    And then there are other major things.

    • Why is there no native option for 3rd person WASD movement even though it is fully implemented for controllers?
    • Why does only the controller get a search area function but the keyboard doesn’t?
    • Why is there no camera sensitivity for controllers?
    • Why are there no deadzone settings for controller joysticks?
    • Why is there a 1 second delay on movement when using a controller?
    • Why can’t I set the text size below 64px when using a controller?
    • Why in a game that has been in early access for so long and a world full of magic can’t we change our characters appearance post creation? (I know it’s announced but why just now?)
    • Why do we not have advanced difficulty settings? (I’d love the enemies to be smart like “tactitian” but not be unhittable bullet sponges.)
    • Why is every adult character so goddamn hot in this game? I need my blood in my brain.
    • Why can we select a player voice, if the player isn’t voiced beyond some minor quips?
    • Why isn’t there a random name generator for your character?
    • Why can’t I shift + click multiple items or containers to queue them up for pickup or search?
    • Why do container windows open on top of each other or other inventory windows?
    • Why can’t I rename containers in my inventory?
    • Why can’t I filter out or hide wares in my inventory?
    • Why can’t I sort or filter items during trading or in the party view?
    • Why do containers always open in a 5x2 grid instead of trying to fit all the items without scrolling?
    • Why can I skip the rolling animation but not the success-continue animation?
    • etc.

    I know I’m nitpicking here, but for a game that is as highly praised as this, I expect it also to nail all those minor things that other games have already figured out already (some of which were even their own older titles). Especially because it was Early Access and they had a lot of user feedback. I see it times and times again that studios apparently throw out all their previous knowledge of videogames and seemingly start from scratch on every title, making small stupid mistakes that could have been easily avoided. It’s like the research process for video mechanics and UI never consists of actually looking at other games.

    So for me, it’s a very pretty game, its a beautifully sounding game and even a very fun game. But nowhere near a 10/10. It’s a 7/10 game. Fix the bugs to bump it up to 8/10 implement some QoL for 9/10 and release modding tools so the community can make it a 10/10.

  • Steams reviews have a much higher weight in regard to a games success than any other form of review. The new Battlefront games came to Steam way later, when EA Play got introduced and a big chunk of EAs exclusive library moved to Steam. By that point the Battlefront games got all patched up and were somewhat beloved. But a native Steam release like BF2042 was met with harsh criticism, which ultimately let to the game’s failure. There is a reason why AAA studios like Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft or Microsoft prefer not to release their games on Steam and each have their own launchers. The lack of transparency is also why the Epic Games Store is an attractive alternative for publishers. I’d like to think that Steam has the most solid review system one could ask for, something that other launchers are severely lacking. An “overwhelmingly positive” status for a game is an automatic success and everything below “mixed” is nearly a death sentence. Even games that are successfull, like the recent CoD titles start out “negative” or “mixed” on Steam release. But that doesn’t matter anymore, because the publisher already got his money from their own launcher and console releases.