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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • forms of electronic communication (such as websites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos)

    Definition wise, it‘s clearly social media. I get it though, the corporate giants feel more rage bait-y due to the algorithms they employ.

  • Despite his new eyes, man was still rooted in matter, his soul spun into it and subordinated to its blind laws. And yet he could see matter as a stranger, compare himself to all phenomena, see through and locate his vital processes. He comes to nature as an unbidden guest, in vain extending his arms to beg conciliation with his maker: Nature answers no more, it performed a miracle with man, but later did not know him.

    To sum up how I understand this poetic piece of text (The Last Messiah from a Norwegian philosopher Zapffe). It‘s a feature of consciousness, that we can even perceive ourselves as apart from nature. Considering our subjugation of it in various ways and currently underway destruction of the climate, it makes sense to me too to differentiate.

  • Not sure if that is what you mean here, but when I was in University I started taking speed to try and keep up with studying despite my ADHD/depression.

    And not just a bit either, but quite a lot and I must have overdone it and stayed up too many nights in a row once. I remember trying to go through my day, while I constantly spotted what could only be described as “shadow people”, whenever I tried to directly look at them they would be gone, but then I‘d see it again just near the edges of my field of view. It was one very creepy day and what led to me finally admitting I can‘t do it anymore.

    So I ended up dropping out, found a job in IT and got therapy and some more reasonable ADHD meds too. Still, I imagine that is what being schizophrenic might be like and I did not enjoy that at all.