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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023


  • Maybe I’m biased because I’m a welder, but it always made more sense to me that electricity flows from the negative. Like , if the positive moved, wouldn’t you change the element of the wire after a while? It also helps that you can tell the difference if an arc is positive or negative relative to the stinger depending on how the metal reacts, at least to a welder. I know that doesn’t make any sense at all but it does to another welder lol

  • You might not like to hear this, but the workplace is not the appropriate venue to pursue personal interests. You’re hired to work, not to redefine how the workplace operates. Your coworkers are coworkers, not potential community members. It’d be different if you were hired on as a consultant for some of the specific issues you brought up, but you were hired as a nurse. Then you complained you didn’t have enough work while apparently pulling double time to document and consider a whole mess of issues that you were never directed to look into. If you look at it from your bosses perspective, you practically walked up and handed them a “reasons to get rid of me” list. The squeaky wheel might get the grease, but a bent nail always gets hammered. Never stand out too much for better or worse