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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • Sounds like you’re painting the world with broad strokes based on narrow circumstances. Not everyone is the 40yo you want to kick out, even if their situation seems similar. The OP is more than likely nowhere near 40 and obviously looking for ways to change their state in life. No reason to beat a stranger up because they resemble someone you know.

    Edit: I just read more of the thread…the OP actually kinda sucks.

  • I fundamentally disagree with the idea that suicide of consciousness is the correct answer to resolving the problem of suffering. Suffering is but one element of our collective existence, and while I agree that it’s unpleasant (duh), extermination is far too extreme an answer to consider it just. The scope is simply too narrow and pessimistic, and if one were to act on this philosophy, I would consider them evil. Don’t kill your mates for being depressed or for hurting. Help them, however you can.

  • Hallucinogenics are wild, man. It feels like peaking behind the veil, and it can make you lose your grip on what you understand reality to be. I had a bad trip where I found myself face-to-face with what I’ve nicknamed as “the spectator”. Dunno if it was supposed to be my higher self, God, or some other entity. But it made me well aware it was always there, always watching, and existed outside of our perceived reality. I told my mates that, at the time, it felt like I found something real, and that our reality was the fabrication. I still don’t know what to make of it now.

  • Perfection is stagnation. It’s the entropic nature of reality that provides the vehicle for change and will to manifest, allowing subjective experiences to exist. If anything, I’d see this as evidence of a simulated reality, as it’s suspiciously convenient that this is all here for us to experience the way we do. You wanting it all to end sounds like more of an internal battle than external to me, and yours is a scary worldview.

  • I don’t see this stand up as proper AI at all. However, I do see the writing on the wall, and we are definitely attempting to build towards what I referenced, a proper simulation of consciousness. So all the AI projects coming out now feel like stepping stones towards that end.

    I thoroughly agree that this happening under a capitalist system is a recipe for shit though. However, we have no way of removing capital from the equation at this time, and like it or not, people are going to be doing more projects exactly like this. As well they will be making money from it because that is literally the only way anything ever gets done when capital is the beginning and end of the discussion. That’s more an issue with capitalism than AI personas IMO. This is how things are going to happen, and I feel like we’re better off trying to inject morality into the situation than to pretend that it won’t happen or that we can stop it from happening. Otherwise, what we’re doing is standing around with angry expressions on our faces, doing fuck all while corporation steal our likenesses for profit.

    We have to tread carefully from here.

  • I listened to the whole special, and I can agree with much of what the Carlinbot had to say. I think that’s fun.

    I know there’s overwhelming hatred towards the idea of AI doing stuff like this, but I’m curious as to why exactly that is. I hate this about as much as I hate impressionists, which is a somewhat apt comparison. That is to say, I think it’s pretty neat and I’m curious what all went into making it happen, so I can’t say I hate it. Could someone break down why this is awful? Is it a “let the dead lie” kind of thing, keeping the dead sacred? Do we want the AI to be completely original, despite it being derivative in nature? Do we simply want AI not to exist at all? Is it just in poor taste? If so, who do we let define what constitutes good or poor taste?

    I see AI as a philosophical issue, as it’s a technology seeking to cross the uncanny valley and simulate consciousness as we understand it, which has serious implications regarding the nature of consciousness, the concept of the self, how we define life and understanding, how much control we grant this artificial life, what rights artificial life should have, and plenty of other conundrums along the way. I honestly don’t think it’s as simple as “Carlin wouldn’t like this”, as this video is ultimately an unsatisfactory impression of a man that only goes on for one hour. There are worse things in the world we could be lambasting (as the Carlinbot points out mid-video), but there are clearly some implications involved that people are very upset by. So, where do we go from here?