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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023

  • I personally find it rather infuriating that swapping those is made so difficult, and to this day don’t know who has more usecase for media keys and varied power buttons over function keys.

    And the worst thing is, if the upper row defaults as mefia keys, and toggling Fn to be function keys by default, you also toggle numpad to the right side of the keyboard. Don’t get me wrong, I like numpad, but I quite don’t like losing half of my keyboard, because keyboard manufacturers don’t know what keys should be behind the Fn.

  • That is actualla good feature then, if you need it for accessibility… But why on earth does it need to prompt you to enable it with such an annoying way? To my knowledge, it’s the only accessibility option that agressively advertises itself specifically when you don’t want, or need, it to.

    More logical behaviour to prompt the enabling would be if a “modifier” key, and “non-modifier” key is pressed in sequence, but not at the same time. As the assumption of sticky keys is that the user is not able to press two buttons down simultaneously.

    That said, it is likely that a person who has need for this feature, but is not aware of it’s excistence, would not use other modifiers than shift, as they are needed exclusively for hotkeys, which is on the far end of the learning curve (as mouse, and right klick are more apparent to learn), and if such feature is needed, it’s excistence is apparent at the time you start to use the systems via hotkeys. Instead, if you hammer shift repeatedly while typing, it indicates that you light benefit from tjis feature. Thus only requiring detection of the writing cursor being active, which is already possible, because there is an accessibility feature to highlight that. I know this, because a fresh install of windows suggests that you go trough accesdibility on first startup.

    Sorry, I know you’re not developing Windows UI (but what do I know, if you did), but I kindawanted to rant a bit about such an apparent solution to a problem that has plagued from Win 3.11 at least.

  • I mean that Denuvo WILL cause performance drops, and if said malware needs to be cracked and removed in order to emulate it, it means the emulators don’t have to bother emulating the built-in malware, and can instead use more resources to run the game. Even better than currently.

    And will any of this help with piracy? Well, the average user will no longer be able to backup the official version, and you’d be breaking the law anyways, if you cracked it, so there is “no extra harm” skipping the part where you buy the official version, instead of just downloading the already cracked version. Sure, you risk getting malware, but with the official one you are sure to get malware.

    [EDIT]: Let’s add: I don’t advocate for piracy, but if piracy is more convinient that the official route, it’s what will drive those who don’t mond pirating stuff.

  • To be fair, the skincolour technically does two jobs; while darker skin protects you better from sunburn, the lighter skin also absorbs vitamin D from the light (and darker skin also protects ou from getting too much of that D). That is why the skincolour gets lighter, the more north you go, as the sun does not provide as much said vitamin.

    Why am I mentioning this, well, the traditional bane of nordic hemisphere people is depression due to the lack of said vitamin D, during the time the sun just don’t come up, so if anyone with a darker skintone migrates here: remenber to supplement that extra D, because even the pale snowpeople have issues getting enough naturally.

  • To be fair, I don’t mind the button itself, if it worked as I wanted it to, and could be changed to load from oldest to new, and sustain your scrolling position. But as they do now, you can sustain your position by fiddling with the loading, and you need to load everything to get back to scrolling if you want to read from oldest to newest.

    This button was basically designed for people that sort only by popular, but I think I’m not the onlyone who prefers not to have their microblogs pre-curated by popularity, and I really hate it when I am forced to miss posts just because of the general design practices that are designed for commercialized services.

    And as I said in another post, the “trending” -statistics of Mastodon is just a peak, and then forgotten. I have my suspicion that it’s because people do not sort by popular, and by end up missing the stuff that has trended, because design choises like the funcrionality of this button. Surely, the other element is the trending algorithm, and how it is pushed, but that’s a whilly different can of worms to open.

  • I feel these ecmxist precisely because endless scrolling doesn’t. These load more, but I’m not sure the apps ever unload, so for the optiomization I understand why they have implemented this as they have BUT for me that way is just an excuse to be lazy with garbage cleaning. And these also might be one of the biggest reasons why the trending stuff doesn’t stick on Mastodon; Mastodon users don’t sort by popular, and while scrolling by chronological order, these things create obstacles for seeing all things posted.

  • Interetingly, I’ve concluded that cutting a pizza to 4 pieces makes the rim support the tip properly, regardless of the size of the pizza, while cutting the pizza to 8 pieces makes the tip of the piece always flop. However, one quadrant of the pizza is harder to eat, because it widens so radicaly. This has made me a believer of cutting the pizza to 6 pieces, as this solves both issues.

    I woudn’t be surprised if some maths genius would’ve calculated that the 5 pieces would be the most optimal for both issues, the tip support, and the edibility. However, cutting to 5 equal pieces is rather bothersom, so I’ll be sticking with 6 pieces personally, regardless of what pizza enginers may have calculated.