• 45 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2020


  • Sorry for not answering your question, just wanted to say, I have a similar HP Laptop bought under similar circumstances and it IS Linux unfriendly (you cannot even update the BIOS without Windows). But Linux Mint handles it very well. It was the first distro that got the WiFi working without headaches and it also handles the AMD card well.

    I hope someone can answer your actual question and you get something you’re happy with.

  • I’m using Linux Mint with an Nvdia card and it works great. But I don’t have a completely new PC so I don’t need the latest of the latest stuff. Taking your hardware into account is always a good idea.

    My advice: don’t switch too fast, maybe keep dual boot at first and give yourself time to learn. Try distros with a live USB stick on your system to see if it works. For the look and feel consult https://distrosea.com/ and play around. Linux can be fun and it’s serving gamers very well now (for the most part - there are games that won’t run mostly due to invasive rootkit ‘anti-cheats’).