• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2023


  • I’m advocating for people to think critically

    When did you do that?

    I proved that you were wrong about China

    Uhhhh nope, sure didn’t do that either.

    You have to engage with propaganda critically

    I do, which is precisely why I don’t fall for shitty CCP propaganda, unlike yourself.

    They’re marching us towards war with China and you’re falling for it.

    We’ve been at war with China for a long long time.

  • Jesus Tittyfucking Christ, how can you be so ignorant?

    It’s absolutely 1000% worse and the insistence that it’s not is incredibly demeaning to the people suffering from it.

    No one in the US is legally working for $0.10/hr. Everyone in the US has the right to free expression. Everyone has the right to openly protest the government. Where are you even getting this stuff?

  • That’s how propaganda works. They repeat a lie over and over until everyone is saying it,

    Remind me how many times you’ve repeated yourself in this thread?

    Should I ignore the gov. that repeats that COVID is dangerous? Or should I ignore Trump when he repeats that it’s completely harmless over and over again? Should I ignore Xi when he repeats over and over again that he’s not a dictator?

    The notion that repetition = propaganda is completely senseless.

    You’re advocating for people to ignore everything they know and have been told their whole lives in favor of…what, conspiracy theories?

    Oh this makes a lot of sense, actually.

  • I’m pretty sure humans need to not die from COVID 🙄

    Right, we should all just lock ourselves in cages like animals at the zoo so that no one is allowed to take any risks or enjoy their lives, because “not dying” is the only thing that matters…

    Meanwhile, my country didn’t give a shit about the fact that I wanted to be safe.

    Of course they did. They just weren’t allowed to enforce totalitarian measures to make that happen like the Chinese.

    This is just a lie.

    Nope. Pretty much everyone is in agreement about this except you so I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that you’re the one lying.

  • I don’t think a single person was sentenced for that tantrum

    They absolutely were. And that “tantrum” was people literally having the doors of their homes welded shut so that they couldn’t leave.

    Yeah Chinese laborers were paid pennies per hour by mostly Western capitalists (and increasingly internal Chinese capitalists). How is that the government’s fault?

    How is it not? Every country is responsible for their own minimum wage.

    You’re literally a CCP bot

    🤣😂🤣😂 I don’t even know where to start with that. Why would the CCP want a bot that recites all of their atrocities?

    I banish you.

    Well. No. Ya don’t.

  • Someone buys an expensive car. They say “I cant use the railway!” Are you going to tell them they’re wrong?

    Yes. Because they are.

    We dont know if they live next to a railway line. They’re also heavily invested in the car and unlikely to pay out for rail tickets.

    None of which indicates they “can’t use the railway”. It may not be their preferred travel method, which is fine (in the metaphorical sense), but to say they “can’t” use the railway is simply untrue.

  • OP said “the software and driver support isn’t there”.

    Someone replied and corrected them to explain the software and driver support does in fact exist.

    OP replied to say that what he actually meant was that it didn’t support the specific software and driver they wanted to use.

    Seems like a perfectly reasonable conversation.