The form needs to add “updated system while not using an lts kernal”. (Screen flickering is beutiful on an amd and nvidia duel GPU machine)
Allan, plaease add details
The form needs to add “updated system while not using an lts kernal”. (Screen flickering is beutiful on an amd and nvidia duel GPU machine)
So it fits into the box space efficently, right?
Usually if its a boolean or nullable, a good config file will have a # uncommemt this line to enable this feature/disable this feature/bind to this IP address/give this thing a name
that is at least vaugely hints what the option does. But yes, its still fairly annoying.
Being the ‘correct one’ makes it easy to skip over… thx
Which one is your favorate, mine is ~/freedroid/.
Or ~/.local/share/${software_name_or_whatever}
Or ~/.${software_name_or_whatever}/
Actually its phone OEM googled AOSP linux or as ive started calling it OEM+Google+AOSP/Linux /s
Googled android or “Google/AOSP” is probably correct
Is that actually their app? It looks like a poorly designed PWA.
Clearly not, lol. Every vulnerability is spectere aparently. (To be fair, the other CVE this week is hardware based)
Its a CPU bug only the kernel can fix 🤒.
The kernel is responsible for its running hardware.
Am I dumb? that’s the spectere and meltdown bug. xz-utils malware is a whole other thing, lol.
C:\lovers\> copy nul "me"
1 file(s) copied
C:\lovers\> dir
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F9DC-9871
Directory of C:\lovers\
05/30/2016 06:22 PM 0 me
1 File(s) 0 bytes
Fear me powershell users!
They may be refering to a residential vpn.
(Yes, I know my source has a conflict of intrest)
it almost always does, lol
run a script to set the default browser back to chrome just after it changes, using some timer estimation magic also… try taskkill
Thats really insightfull.
Whats Ninite?
i think the one next to debian
Funnally enoigh, the reason for and against game companies exploiting a critical vulnrability to access to ring -1 is way stronger. If you installed an anticheet to ring -1, No MoRe PiRiCy, nobody needs to know its there, nobody can remove it, its not like your system is unusable now, and best yet, its a verry big target for other shady types to join the ring -1 party. /s
That TOS would be sus under any other situation.
Please tell me you picked this image on purpose.
Just outside the voting location, a giant billboard that says, “Vote yes, says the terrifying building sized gremlin of the state”