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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Good time to become vegan. They can’t be against that!

    Of course they can. The following is a AfD request (source: German parliament, auto-translated by DeepL)

    AfD demands warning against vegan diet

    The AfD parliamentary group is calling for warnings about vegan diets. The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) should “explicitly and emphatically warn of the dangers of a vegan diet without the additional intake of supplements, especially for risk groups”, according to a motion (20/9798). The warnings would have to be visible digitally on the website of the Federal Agency. Furthermore, the warnings should be included in corresponding printed materials, including a list of possible symptoms of malnutrition.



    They are simply against everything. That’s the way they operate. Their party platform states that they want to remove all subsidies for farmers. At the same time they are protesting that a very small part of those subsidies is being removed. They try sow chaos, hatred and division. An AfD politician even said: “The worse Germany is doing, the better it is for the AfD”

  • and how Germany’s hate speech laws are abused.

    And the next lie … Really, either stop posting or check your sources. That’s (far-right) bullshit.

    Im basing my judgement off of some Americans protesting for Hamas

    Germany is not the USA. That some Americans are protesting for Hamas has nothing to do with Germany.


    BTW, in Bremen 40,000 protested today. In Cologne another 70,000 protested. In Munich the protest had to be stopped after after more than 100.0000 (conservative estimate) people came together before the protest even started. And that are only some cities where protests are happening today. There are (peaceful) protests every day all over Germany and protests continue.

  • Maybe you belief German Jews than:

    The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster expresses deep concern about the AfD’s high poll numbers.

    “The right-wing extremist party currently has nationwide support that I would not have imagined even in my nightmares, and this causes me serious concern,” said Schuster in an interview with Web.de.News.

    The AfD is ‘largely nationalist, racist, and ethnically exclusive,’ and it ‘clearly also embodies Nazi ideals,’ added the Central Council President. ‘If a party like the AfD were ever to be part of a federal government, one would have to seriously consider whether Jewish life is still possible in Germany.’

    Schuster recalled that Charlotte Knobloch, a Holocaust survivor and President of the Munich Jewish Community, said in 2006 that the Jews in Germany had finally unpacked their bags.

    ‘That statement was absolutely accurate at the time,’ he said. ‘Today, one or two people are already looking in the attic where they stowed the empty suitcase, so they can have it ready to hand again.”


    Stop making broad claims just because you read one article on Wikipedia.

    Do you really belief such protests on an unprecedented scale are happening all over Germany (my country) because the AfD doesn’t like terrorists?

  • The headline is not wrong but somewhat misleading. Yesterday there where more than 300,000 people protesting against the Nazi party (AfD) and yesterday wasn’t even the first or the last day of protests.

    People are realizing that we are not talking about an ultra-conservative party but about an anti-democratic and racist party that wants to deport millions of people - many of them Germans - from Germany. That is exactly the plan Hitler had and that led to the Holocaust.


    Those people lost their minds.

    The AfD parliamentary group leader for Saxony-Anhalt, Ulrich Siegmund, is also in the room. It is he who will, later on in the day’s proceedings, appeal for donations. He has considerable influence within the AfD; the party is currently polling in first place in Saxony-Anhalt. His sales pitch, very much in keeping with the “masterplan” of Sellner, details his ideas to change the image of German streets. Foreign restaurants would be put under pressure. Living in Saxony-Anhalt should be made “as unattractive as possible for this clientele.” And that could be accomplished very, very easily, he claims. His comments could have consequences for the region’s upcoming elections.


    No more indian / chinese / greek / italian / thai … restaurants. Only schnitzel and pork roast.