Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

Sysadmin, Moderator, Technician, Lizard owner, Minecrafter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Yes, that is correct. People „should“. As they „should drive more carefully“, „smoke less“, „eat healthy“, „consume thoughtfully“ and so on.

    We both know this is why we have the rule of law. People are not and will never be fully self governing as long as we have the system we do. We are much too stressed to make the right decisions every time. We used to be able to drive without a seatbelt on, to take cocaine whenever we wanted. Didn’t work very well. It’s simple psychology. Some of us govern themselves mostly well, others dont. That doesn’t mean they can be held responsible for their inability to do so. They need to helped with measures to keep harm away.

  • so none of the bystanders should help them either

    I don’t understand this. Telling someone to vote with their wallet is not helping. The equivalent would be that a victim was „told“ to defend themselves. I am saying we shouldn’t put the responsibility on the victim but the aggressor.

    just like with most things in life

    That I can agree to. Taking action is hard. But I would say that it is easy to broadly judge „most people“ while this very article says that in the case of social media, the boomers‘ blame for example seems to be ill aligned. Not the people are to blame but the mechanics.

  • You were faster to answer than my edit.

    I can only asssume why the technique hasn’t worked for a long time. But taking the example from social media where it would be voting with your feet (leaving), the product markets for games are defined. And in these markets, I recon the majority is vulnerable, so yes. It is most likely the majority.

  • Why is that important? It is a significant amount of people. Add up children (who are prone to be peer pressured), the neurodivergent (who are in need of alternative ways to socialize) and those who are not strong of will.

    Additionally, it does not have to be a strong tide. Like with dark patterns, it just needs to make it „sufficiently hard“ to switch the vendor and you constitute a lock in (which we are discussing rn).

    Edit: imagine we would ask this question when assessing a wheelchair ramp at a mall? It is not important if it’s the majority but if people suffer under this when it is (easily) preventable.

  • I don’t play a lot of multiplayers games either but thats not the only point.

    1. if you play a mp game regularly, you make friends and build up community. If the product changes for the worse, you‘re pitting your financial self interest against you community. Btw. that is how relationships work for a lot of neurodivergent people. IRL we face significant challenges which used to be no problem until companies started enshittifying.

    2. Aside from multiplayer, if you have offline friends, games are like brands or social media tools. You need to play the games (at least some) your peers play so that you can bond with them. Otherwise you become irrelevant. If they play fames with harmful gambling mechanics (lootboxes for example) you are introduced to and kept in that ecosphere.

    Now we need to address that vote with your wallet only works if you’re sufficiently able (mentally, educationally) to swim against the tide and you can see how this is like telling people in wheelchairs to just get up a couple stairs already. (Since a lot of us actually don’t have the selfimage to maintain behavior like this)

  • This is applicable to any number of things. Those of us who are into computer games would mostly like companies to release them in a finished state but are pretty helpless against abusive marketing and peer pressure. Our friends in gaming are also a network.

    The important takeaway here for me is that we meed to abplish the idea of „voting with your wallet“ since this mechanic is broken in the presence of networking effects. E.g. you not only miss out on the game/app/product but you hurt your network and become more isolated.

  • Thanks for elaborating a bit. I opted against the password app since I wanted to diversify services. My nextcloud is a bit finnicky at times and wants to be updated before you can proceed with stuff. Having no access to my passwords in that moment would be harsh. So I opted for vaultwarden and it even has firefox integration, cli integration and a desktop app for linux (dunno about windows, honestly). I‘m not sure if it was a bad idea to put NC‘s database on spinning discs though. Maybe that was stupid.

    As you can see, very much a WIP as well. I feel like we need some kind of place to accumulate iCloud -> NC expats. A lot of good could be done there.

    I‘m on matrix as well but i‘m not proficient yet. My wife is still on whatsapp so I need to be patient. We have gotten rid of twitter and reddit which I count as a win.

    What other projects do you have? Feel free to send me a dm with your matrix username if you want to keep in touch about this.

  • I know. It is a pattern. It’s roughly summarized under anti trust. You know, the stuff that has been dismantled in the US over the past couple of years.

    Same goes for europe but not as brutal. When these laws were made, there were no insanely fast growing international conglomerates with a product that changes shape like a chameleon. No wonder they didn’t keep up but now we‘ve got homework. We gotta push politicians to revise laws and change the status quo.

    We need to balance the scales so consumers get the info they need (instead of constantly changing terms and conditions, 10+ pages long), the power to actually change stuff (be able to sue if apple does not let you mass extract your fkin passwords if you dont own a mac) and keep new transgressions from happening by putting long jail terms on anti competitive behavior.

  • I‘m also migrating from iCloud (to NC among other things) and its been slow to say the least. Things I struggle with:

    • setting up photo alternative with face recognition (recognition app is okayish but not as strong as I‘d like)
    • getting whatsapp to somehow backup outside of iCloud
    • getting my passwords out of iCloud (you need a mac for that) into vaultwarden
    • NC being quite slow now that a couple apps and mid 5 digits of photos are in there, will try memcache soonish

    For those who don’t know NC, these things are 1/10 of the stuff that NC is actually good at imo.

    How is your experience so far?