26 years old, USA

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I’m sorry this happened and I’m trans so Ive certainly noticed how tough healthcare settings are for me, just getting basic care and being a family member. It does sound like you are so invested in this job, just absolutely obsessed with it. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of this kind of excited mover and shaker type person in healthcare. From what Ive heard, it’s more militaristic - stay within your role, follow the chain of command. Follow the medical and legal protocol or your superior is getting called, whom is actually responsible for all of your actions. Nightmare on the inside sounds familiar.

  • You’re worthy of friendship. You could have some great friends. Probably not gonna meet them at work. I can’t give much advice, I’m pre-HRT, pre-work and education, looking at a similar path that you have taken and hoping I can achieve the things you’ve achieved. Take it easy on yourself, look what all you’ve done and find people you can relate to and whose company is a gift to yourself.

  • My initial position was that AI art would be exciting when a more carefully curated training data is used. … But after some talking with friends, I think we’re living in a world that has minimal respect for copyright already, except when a corporation has a problem with it and wants to bring down the hammer of the law.

    It does hurt and its easy to be emotional about artists’ livelihoods being threatened by AI, they aren’t the only laborers threatened by job loss to automation, but this one hurts the most.

    So now its just up to AI and artists to make interesting art with it. And for artists to adapt to this environment that has automated art tools.