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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I posted a picture of myself on reddit asking for hair advice. My head was turned somewhat to the side so my nose was in profile. Someone felt the need to tell me I had the ugliest nose they had ever seen. I never really noticed the shape before that, but now in my mind’s eye it’s huge, crooked and has a hook.

    A decade later I was getting a septoplasty to repair damage from an assault, and I asked the surgeon if he could remove the hook in my nose. He looked at me with the most compassion anyone ever has, and asked me to point out the hook in the mirror. It was the first time in all those years I finally saw my real nose. It’s actually pretty cute, I don’t know what that commentor was smoking

  • I don’t know if you need to hear some tough love right now, but I’m going to give it and you can choose to read it or not.

    Being unhappy has a huge impact on your appearance. You look fuckin miserable in that image, and I’m betting that’s what you’re finding unattractive. You know how people always say they see the light in their own eyes after they start transitioning? It’s because they aren’t deeply miserable anymore, and they can finally be free to express themselves, not because they’re suddenly pretty or handsome.

    Sky, please, find a therapist that you feel listens to you. I know you’ve been told this a lot, but there’s really nothing any of us can do as much as a good therapist can to lift you out of that pit of despair. DBT has been hugely helpful for me, so maybe try looking for that. And you know…I wouldn’t be telling you all of this if I hadn’t gone through it myself