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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I’ve had that happen with what i assume was a hand lotion because there was a particular part of the lid that smelled.

    I don’t know why other people are treating you with so much disbelief. This absolutely can happen with people not thinking about how their habits impact what customers are consuming. With how many millions of coffee beverages that are served every day, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that some small portion are handled improperly with poor hygiene. It also shouldn’t be overly surprising if you’ve had it happen multiple times because you likely visit the shops near you. Such an event isn’t random and is the result of someone’s bad habits.

  • No, never. Current charging rates already get close to thermal constraints. Hitting those charging rates either requires accepting much lower power density or using way more metal per cell. This research might inform design changes to improve charging rates, but we’ll never see high capacity batteries charging in a minute.

    The researchers know this and only mention wearables and iot devices applications. The article author erroneously makes the leap to high energy density devices.

    If you don’t care about energy density at all, ceramic capacitors can already charge and discharge in microseconds.

  • Color-safe bleach seems to be Hydrogen Peroxide based, so you were probably safe.

    Traditional Sodium Hypoclorite bleach should never be mixed with vinegar. That can release chlorine gas which is very bad for you even at low concentrations.

    In general, use one cleaning agent at a time with thorough rinses in between. It can be hard to predict how cleaning agents will react. You’re likely to reduce the effectiveness of them by mixing, and there’s a chance of making dangerous byproducts.

  • http://large.stanford.edu/courses/2015/ph241/degraw2/

    Medical devices is an obvious potential application for beta decay power. In the past, nuclear power sources were at a major size disadvantage and chemically powered cells can also provide very long service life at such small power draw.

    So this definitely isn’t nearly as much of a new concept as the media is suggesting. The question is whether they have achieved a compact enough design to be preferential over competing chemically powered cells.

    Another application would be cmos batteries for holding memory states. Using ssds in external enclosures is compelling to reduce the amount of time it takes to actually read and write a full drive. But ssds need to be powered every once in a while. If their internal power storage depletes they lose data. Backup ssd drives with an indefinite power source would definitely be a compelling option. I do however doubt if this technology could ever be cheap enough for such an application. The materials used seem rather expensive.

  • https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM

    Interviewer: This airplane that was involved in the incident off Western Oregon this week…

    Senator Collins: The one the door plug fell off?

    Interviewer: Yeah.

    Senator Collins: Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

    Interviewer: Well, how was it un-typical?

    Senator Collins: Well there are a lot of these airplanes going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that 737 max 9’s aren’t safe.

    Senator Collins: Well, some of them are built so that the door plug doesn’t fall off at all.

    Interviewer: Wasn’t this built so that the door plug wouldn’t fall off?

    Senator Collins: Well, obviously not.

    Interviewer: How do you know?

    Senator Collins: Well, because the door plug fell off at 20,000 feet and all the air spilled out. It’s a bit of a giveaway. I’d just like to make the point that that is not normal.

    Interviewer: Well what sort of engineering standards are these 737 MAX 9’s built to?

    Senator Collins: Oh, very rigorous aerospace engineering standards.

    Interviewer: What sort of thing?

    Senator Collins: Well, the door plug’s not supposed to fall off for a start.

    Interviewer: So the allegations that they’re just designed to carry as many passengers as possible no matter the consequences, I mean that’s ludicrous isn’t it?

    Senator Collins: Absolutely ludicrous, these are very very strong vessels.

    Interviewer: So what happened in this case?

    Senator Collins: Well, the door fell off in this case by all means, but it’s very unusual.

    Interviewer: But Senator Collins, why did the door plug fall off?

    Senator Collins: Well air hit it.

    Interviewer: Air hit it?

    Senator Collins: Air hit the plane.

    Interviewer: Is that unusual?

    Senator Collins: Oh yeah. At altitude? Chance in a million!

  • I got long covid from an infection before the vaccines were available.

    Getting the vaccination and boosters noticeably worsened my existing long covid symptoms. I still got the boosters because I assume a reinfection would be much worse than the vaccine’s effects. If I ever thought I could reasonably avoid risk of future infections I would not choose to get more boosters, but since exposure is inevitable, I’ll deal with the consequences of the booster.

    When essentially everyone has had exposure to covid your statement can’t actually be tested. We don’t have a cohort of people we know got vaccinated but were never exposed to the virus.

    Anyway, the vaccine is worth getting because the alternative is being exposed to the virus without protection, but that doesn’t mean the vaccine is actually free of side effects for everyone.

  • Oh for sure. I do my best to avoid Amazon because most listings are full of made up lies. I know marketing is full of half truths and exaggerations, but I despise shopping at places that try so hard to deceive me.

    I just brought up Amazon since Amazon and monoprice are the most common options I see mentioned when people ask for alternatives to the overpriced options at best buy or whatever.

    Industrial suppliers can be more expensive, but the time and aggravation saved by shopping by specifications you can trust is frequently worth a modest price premium. I’ve switched to Digikey and McMaster for a number of personal purchases after realizing how much of a mental toll deceptive marketplaces carry.