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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • What you’re looking for is a backup. RAID is not a backup, as another poster said it’s a tool for enduring high availability, and possibly higher throughput.

    Buy a second pi and put it in another location in your house or even better at friends house then configure regular backups of your important data to it. There are also cloud services for doing backups which are great because having a location to do off-site backups to can be really hard to get as an individual.

  • Prison Architect predates Rimworld. Rimworld got shit for “copying” PA when it first came out.

    See the FAQ for the Rimworld Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tynansylvester/rimworld/description

    It looks a lot like Prison Architect. What’s up with that?

    Blame my (Tynan’s) lack of art skill - especially with characters. I made the character art you see in the trailer as a stopgap, and borrowed the Prison Architect style because I’m not a good enough artist to develop a new one. They were never intended to be final. With this Kickstarter, we’ll be able to get a real artist who can sit down and develop an original style for RimWorld.

    I’ve talked with the original Prison Architect artist, Ryan Sumo, and he’s fully supportive of RimWorld. We didn’t share any art or code with the PA guys.

  • Openstack is like self-hosting your own cloud provider. My 2 cents is that it’s probably way overkill for personal use. You’d probably be interested in it if you had a lot of physical servers you wanted to present as a single pooled resource for utilization.

    How does one install it?

    From what I heard from a former coworker - with great difficulty.

    What is the difference between a hypervisor/openstack/a container service (podman,docker)?

    A hypervisor runs virtual machines. A container service runs containers which are like virtual machines that share the host’s kernel (more to it than that but that’s the simplest explanation). Openstack is a large ecosystem of pieces of software that runs the aforementioned components and coordinates it between a horizontally scaling number of physical servers. Here’s a chart showing all the potential components: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Openstack-map-v20221001.jpg

    If you’re asking what the difference between a container service and a hypervisor are then I’d really recommend against pursuing this until you get more experience.