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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Defaced@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldditch discord!
    5 months ago

    If the forum features were used properly it’s not really any different than a traditional discourse forum board. Also being proprietary isn’t always a bad thing, and this is coming from an open source enthusiast. There are alternatives like guilded and another one called riot (not to be confused with riot software).

    Edit: anyone want to explain why the down votes? I’m not wrong, you can create forums, pin posts, create forum categories and tag posts, it’s not a black hole if you take the effort and not make it a black hole. People just like to bitch and moan because “discord bad!”. Fuck off with that shit.

  • Valve, that’s who would get in on the market. They already made a killing with the steam deck and there have been talks of a dedicated steam console again, like they have prototypes of consoles in their offices. I’m not talking about another steam machine scenario either, I’m talking dedicated valve designed hardware like the index and deck. They have the storefront and the network architecture to support the hardware. I’m already using my deck as a switch replacement and a console plugged into my TV with a USB-C hub.

  • I don’t understand the hate for the outer worlds. It has great satire in it’s themes like the fallout games, the build diversity is there and gear is impactful, the story is pretty fun and interesting. It’s like people hate it because it’s not the massive open world of fallout new Vegas, but people tend to not realize or I guess forget, there was a stupid amount of just walking from point a to point b in that game only to get to a super linear quest line. The outer worlds does a great job of simplifying the world in a meaningful way. The terrible remaster of it doesn’t really help the game either though, it really should have been left alone.

  • They bought up studios like crazy and expected to make a return when they didn’t. This is the same company that stole assets from Riot for honor of kings, who then took those stolen assets and created another game for the EU by the name of arena of valor, only to roll it out again in the Americas and then roll it out again for the switch and not include crossplay with the other platforms and the switch only to then promise to release a global version of honor of kings effectively killing the arena of valor player base before wild rift gives it the finishing blow. These guys buy up studios in hopes of remediating the costs of their failed projects and get butt hurt when they don’t make money. Tencent is pathetic.

  • It does not add any choice. All it did was encourage me to speed run my way to the master sword and essentially go down the line of weapons I had in a boss fight until I ran out. There was no strategy, just a sense of never wanting to use any of the good weapons and hoarding them. It was so bad I marked a spot on the map where weapons would respawn every blood moon so I could at least have some good weapons. Guess what that’s called in every other game? A repair mechanic. Don’t even get me started on the master sword “breaking” for no thematic reason.

  • Zelda breath of the wild - it’s one of the worst Zelda games I’ve ever played and I’ve played so many. There were so many bad decisions made with this game from weapons breaking to getting rid of traditional dungeons. It’s a great open world game but a terrible Zelda game.

    The Horizon series by Guerilla Games - These games are good for the most part, however they suffer from long stretches of boring open world where you have to fight robot dinosaurs with underpowered weapons. The whole point of the combat is to find weaknesses with the enemies and exploit/attack those weaknesses, but the game never at any point explicitly explains that concept or focuses on that concept. It expects you to just understand what to do. Not to mention the absolutely stupid grinding for mats to make new weapons and armor. Melee combat is terrible, the story for the most part is pretty good but man does it take forever to pick up, it overstays it’s welcome. They are technical powerhouses but just so grindy and boring.

  • They actually are being phased out. Traditional AD powered through LDAP is going the way of the dodo with the inception of azure AD and exchange is getting replaced by o365 for business. As for Outlook, the latest version is trash and Excel is great for the most part but when you build entire workflows out of Excel with Oracle connections and pivot tables it’s complete dog shit to manage from an IT perspective. There’s a reason damn near every web server ruins through Apache on a Linux box instead of IIS.

  • The only reason any of those businesses use Microsoft products is because of active directory and exchange. Both of which are legacy products that are being, if not already, phased out. The real truth is this, the enterprise runs on Microsoft, but the world runs on Linux. Windows is so bad for containers that Microsoft has to make their own distro of Linux specifically for containers with azure Linux and that’s just one example of the technical debt Windows creates. The quicker NT can finally die is when the world can finally move towards real innovation instead of being handicapped by Microsoft and their unfair business practices. Some of us haven’t forgotten “embrace, extend, and extinguish” which is exactly what they’re doing in the gaming markets by buying up the competition.