Runner. Nerd. You know :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Obduction was good. It had some issues, but it’s up there with the classic stuff. Firmament, unfortunately, was not good. Felt more like a walking simulator. There were few puzzles and they were not difficult at all. Not sure what happened. It’s pretty though.

    Riven is by far my favorite of the classic series. They are working on a modern remake of that next and I’m pumped!

  • There is this remote cabin in the woods belonging to my parents I used to visit frequently, mostly in the summer. I had a chest fridge hooked up to a basic solar panel system I built. One July while visiting I had fully stocked the fridge with food, when I had issues with the solar panel batteries and I couldn’t keep the fridge powered on. I kept putting off cleaning it for the rest of the summer, and then the winter too. Next summer I finally worked up the nerve. Everything, even the cardboard packaging had melted into this brown sludge full of many generations of maggots and flies. The only things semi recognizable was the plastic containers. It took me days and so much bleach to clean it well enough to trust using it again. If it wasn’t such a pain to get out there in the first place I’d have probably tossed the whole thing, but I’m cheap. Still have it, though I don’t get out there much anymore. If my battery dies again I’m throwing everything out right away!