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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • I hear you. I was looking more for Arch with less of a hassle. Something similar to my Steamdeck. I guess I should just wipe this weekend for something else. I really want something for playing my steam and GOG games that works with my Nvidia 3080.

    Luckily for me I keep every game installed on different Steam Libraries so wiping my install drive to put something else in isn’t difficult.

  • Maybe this will stop Congress from abdicating their duty to the Executive Banch and start passing updates to laws. The way we had it was that every change of president allowed more cronyism to change the rules.

    Doesn’t anyone remember that Trump gutted the EPA and made them change how they worked scientifically? How the DOE decided that Coal and Gas production was the future during Trump? Did everyone forget that Trump allowed the Department of the Interior to sell gas lease for the Arctic Wildlife Preserve.

    All those changes used a Chevron defense.

  • In the US, there are multiple Supreme Court precedent cases that force profit-maximizing. Shareholders can sue the CEO and board to maximize profit seeking.

    So yes, increasing shareholder value is enshrined in US law. Only private corporations can get around that rule. Also, a corporation cannot be forced to break the law to maximize profits, that’s just something most CEO’s are willing to do for fun.

  • You can redact a lot without losing the focus of what is found in a report of this magnitude. It happens a lot in many businesses that had investigations.

    If they don’t have the skill to write that, then why are they a media company to begin with?

    Why is the statement written personally instead of as a standard press release?

    This note sounds more to the point that Linus didn’t know anything of what happened, so nothing was wrong. Lastly, they said that they would have a report for us after the investigation was done. Without putting the report out, they can’t hope to put this all behind them. There will always be a shadow order them still. Also, saying that they don’t have to publish a report because they are a private company will only let more people think they are hiding something.

    The investigation was to show they weren’t hiding anything, and without a report showing the allegations were false they haven’t done anything.

  • There’s some zero G combat areas you can come across. Like other Bethesda games, the main quest isn’t where you have the best interactions.

    Level up the ship building skills and turrets will kill in space battles sometimes too fast. I rarely get the chance to board and steal the ships unless I scale back and turn off weapons.

    If you want to stay in the game, you can target planets and moons from the cockpit to travel without opening up the Star map. Only scanning has to bring up the map. Random space encounters can be more enjoyable than some of the Fallout 4 ones.

    Just be careful not to kill the nice granny

  • TL/DR: I tested out of almost 3 years of High School classes in a week to graduate. The next year the canceled the program to test out of subjects you knew.

    I went to an alternative style high school and spent my sophomore and junior years doing no real work. I spent most of my time managing the business computer lab and doing special projects with the Physics and Chemistry teacher.

    A lot of learning IT was what I learned by doing in those computer labs. I even was part of a group that created a PowerPoint Presentation with manual animation to help secure some funding for the school.

    I also showed them their flaws in the grading system when I hacked into their electronic database system showing how easily it was trying to help my friend out when he was accused of changing his grades. Because of that, they banned me from using any computer unsupervised and moved everything in the labs back to Windows 3.1, after I had moved everything to Windows 95.

    The problem was that all testing was done on their computer systems, and I was effectively banned from being able to finish the 2+ years I was missing. I ended up dropping out to work tech support at a local dial-up ISP that was at a computer store. When that fell through, because I was unprepared to manage the entire tech support group at 17 I signed up to join the Army.

    The Army needed me to have a High School diploma, so I needed to go back to the school with only a month

    I found out that they allowed you to test out of each module if you believed you knew the subject. If you passed the final exams, you got to have that grade in the .125 credit module. 8 tests per semester class. If you failed the test, you had to redo all the actual work.

    I ended up doing 8 hours a day of supervised testing, since I was still banned from touching a computer without a teacher watching. It took about a week to take every test for 3 years of High School so I could graduate. I missed graduation because I shipped out once I secured the paperwork saying I was going to graduate.

    The next school year they didn’t allow people to test out of classes. You were required to do all of the homework before taking the exams.

  • I had an issue with him finishing the Wheel of Time series.

    He doesn’t have the same grasp of description that Jordan had. That is the same problem I have with the Amazon Prime adaptation. The series adaptation is taken by people who haven’t really been immersed in the books.

    In the book The Great Hunt Thom opines about the idea of players acting out stories vs. the oral storytellers. In reading the original Jordan books his descriptions make you see every blade of grass and feel the wind on top of the towers.

    I do admit Jordan drags on at times, especially during Lord of Chaos, but some people enjoy the more descriptive words over the simplistic writing.

    He’s not a bad writer, but I’m not a big fan of his style

  • I kind of miss those old Usenet days. Being 16 and waiting most of the night for a picture to load was great.

    Back when I made sure to download the progressive JPEG, because loading single line top to bottom was hell. Unless there was a chance that the phone would be picked up, then I wanted regular JPEG, because then when I lost connection I still would have most of a picture.

    You never knew what you were going to get.