Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.
And I fucking HATE pedophiles.

Woody Allen is still a pedophile, who raped one of his own young step-daughters and married another.

People who defend that shit are SICK.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldmv Windows Linux
    3 months ago

    There was a point not so long ago where Adobe Collaboration Sync got so bad on my Windows 10 box it wouldn’t let me close any pdfs that were open. “File in use” error, even if all Adobe programs were closed except for that pdf. I’d have to go into Task Manager and manually kill it. Between that and Adobe Updater I couldn’t get rid of it by any known means, and it was choking the shit out of my machine.

    I’m transitioning to Linux but not there yet, still need the Windows box for now, so I had to do something. But I’m old school, so it was a DOS batch file to the rescue. I call it “kiladobe.bat”:

    taskkill /f /im armsvc.exe       
    del "C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\armsvc.exe"      
    taskkill /f /im AdobeCollabSync.exe     
    del "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat DC\Acrobat\AdobeCollabSync.exe"      

    It’s now a scheduled task in taskschd.msc. I put kiladobe.bat in the main Adobe program folder (heh) and run that task as administrator at startup and every four hours or so, give or take an hour.

    No more problems.

    Now, all that remains is that every so often I see the command window flash up for a split second because this batch file is killing Adobe shit, and it just makes me smile. (I could probably make it stop flashing up the CLI, but I genuinely enjoy the reminder of how I’m fucking Adobe’s virus-like install and lock endeavors up the ass.)

    EDITED TO ADD a simple “@echo off” by itself as the first line would probably turn off any appearance of the CLI, if anyone wants to use this text for their own batch file. If that didn’t work I’d probably throw a space and a “>nul” at the end of each line to grab the output and throw it into neverneverland.

  • It was mandatory but essentially had to be done on your own time.

    In the US, if you are an hourly non-exempt employee, that is overt wage theft in all 50 states. If a task is made mandatory by an employer, they must pay you for the time you spent on it.

    I know this doesn’t help you now, of course, but it’s good to know in case you run into it again and feel like pushing back with a report to the Dept of Labor.

  • Eventually it started slipping

    If you still have the printer (you may not but I’m going to put this out there for others too) that sounds like a simple roller replacement, and rollers/pickup pads are usually considered “consumables” instead of “parts” because they all wear out over time. This is true for most if not all consumer printers, ink and laser alike.

    Replacements should be pretty easy to find for even old printers, and the installation is usually pretty straightforward. Last year I was still able to buy a roller replacement set for a 19 year old HP, and it took me ten minutes and one Phillips head screwdriver to replace them all.

    You can also just take out and clean the hell out of anything rubber with isopropyl alcohol, letting it dry thoroughly and then putting it back in, or if possible rotate the rubber on it to present an unused side, I’ve done all that a few times too.

    For pretty much any model printer, search on the printer model number and “maintenance kit” to find available roller/pickup pad replacements for sale, and printer model number plus “service manual” to get replacement instructions if you need them.

  • You’ve gotten some really good advice in this thread, especially from the comment to which you are responding here: a bit blunt, but if you can accept it, excellent advice.

    The only two things I would add is that

    1. Self-medication, by any means, EXTENDS any grief process, whether it’s your lady, your job, your grandmother, or your dog that you lost. The grief (what I am calling what you are now experiencing, even if it doesn’t look like sadness anymore) is the natural process of breaking of those emotional bonds. As many and as deeply as you created them, grief is now the process of breaking them, separating you from the person/object you lost so you can live freely again. There is no rushing this, but you CAN slow it down, and self-medicating is one of those ways of dragging it out into infinity. The only way to get past grief is go through it, literally to feel those breaking emotions and in feeling them, to drain them of their power. That’s just how it works. Self-medication does not decrease those emotions, which for you are already intense because you had so much of your own identity as a person invested in who you were WITH her. Medicating simply postpones them and spreads them out over time. I’m not judging you for your choices, but you might well be moving through this much faster if you were not overall numbing your emotions daily with substance use.

    2. When you give in to the darker desires to inform yourself of her current situations without her knowledge, consent, or participation, you are literally recreating/reinforcing the very same emotional bonds you’re trying so hard and so painfully to break. That’s why doing it feels good: it feels like righting a wrong, like regaining a lost balance, like taking some power back. But in reality it’s none of those things, and far worse for your inner situation than you might think. So stop. Every time you think about tracking her down, checking her social media, finding out what she’s up to, ask yourself how many more minutes, hours, weeks, or months you want to suffer what you’re already going through, because in doing this you are actively retying bonds your own grief is trying to free you from. Regardless of whether it’s right or wrong or creepy or not, stalking feeds the beast. Remember this when you go to do it again.

  • There is something not right with that guy. Apologies to all the Mr. Beast fans, but there it is.

    The first time I ever even heard about him was from a news article about a year ago. Some disadvantaged little kid got pranked by people claiming to be on Mr. Beast’s staff promising him [something] that made him light up with joy, but was then deliberately stiffed on whatever the promise was, and of course it broke his little heart. It was clearly not a scam and the kid was just destroyed by it, so much so that it upset his community and finally hit the local media.

    When contacted, Mr. Beast and his staff denied they had anything to do with it, which is entirely possible – but what really got my attention was just the callous kind of half-assed apology and oh well response the kid got from them. They could so easily have tossed the little guy some kind of bone; instead it was more of a shut-up-and-go-away response.

    I have my YouTube subscriptions tightly curated so I rarely see any of the really popular stuff, but at some point after all this a Mr. Beast video was offered, and I remembered it was that guy. So I went and looked at his channel and ALL of it just seemed to have a very strong ick factor. Okay, maybe it’s just my poor taste, lol.

    But now he’s on my radar, and I’ve noticed something else: I have never actually heard a completely positive word about him. There’s always some kind of controversy involved. Contrast that with other celebrities: there are many who never have a bad word spoken about them. Not this guy.

    And now Elon Musk wants him on X. Keep in mind that Elon Musk is openly repelled by those he cannot manipulate, including anyone with working conscience who is disgusted by the kind of propagandistic hatred X serves up on the regular, and Musk tirades against that kind of ethical “wokeness” regularly. Yet he loves Mr. Beast enough to run Beast content (for free? as an ad?) to get Mr. Beast onto his platform. That’s not the kind of recommendation decent people get from Musk.

    Yeah. is right. There’s something just NOT right about that guy.

    EDITED TO ADD: I have also noted that several of the people who replied with disagreement also felt the need to obviously misquote me. Normally I don’t bother messing with that shit – if you won’t read well enough to quote correctly the first time, you won’t if I reply – but just because misquotes are now An Actual Theme in the replies, I’d like to point out you’re not helping your cause, no matter how good it sounds on comeback. To deliberately misquote someone in order to slay a strawman just means you never had a valid point to start with: you literally had to make one up to be able to cut it down. And in defense of this guy, too. Birds of a feather, lol.