• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Remember all those posts that sometimes will come up in r/relationship advice or subs like that portraying really vulnerable people that are really down on their luck (“Im a single mom/dad and have to do horrible things so that my children can eat” “Im an abused teen and can’t escape my home” “Im trying to escape a borderline cult” etc etc)?

    Now, Im sure at least some of those were fake to begin with (I don’t have anything against those subs or those stories, but you can’t guarantee every single one of them is true). Now imagine if they could put a little edit in the end “thank you all, you are so kind, I managed to sign up into reddit’s content program, so if you want to help make sure to upvote and leave some gold, it means so much”.

    In those subs, people were already helping out how they could (I would often see people offering to send food or stuff to OPs home, things like that)… so that’s not gonna backfire at all if its implemented.

  • Sounds like burnout.
    Don’t have any advice cause Im not doing so great myself, but maybe set some small goals for yourself that look more achieaveable and enjoyable. Set a few hours to rest and do whatever without needing to feel productive, set some days to go out and do something different, some museum you never visited, or if there is some kind of event in your city like live music or whatever. Some times it will not be your thing, other times you may discover something new you like, at any case it gives you things to talk about and discuss with your SO and peers.

  • Commenting just to say, you are not alone buddy!
    A year or so ago I started on a job that was promising but very quickly found it was not what I expected at all, and very soon after started crying and feeling miserable all the time.
    I had dreams where I was fired, and I woke up sad that they were just dreams. It was that bad.
    It wasn’t that I was exploited or my coworkers were toxic, it was just a very very bad fit for me. Without giving too much detail, I was in that job to help people, but the job had no actual tools or resources to help anyone. So I just had to listen to these terrible stories and take note… and do nothing.
    When I quit, instead of another full time job, I came up with a bunch of freelance-ish style of stuff, where I could organice my own day and give myself time to heal ( I know not everyone can do this, but it worked for me). I learned a big lesson on the kinds of jobs I DONT WANT and what Im better off avoiding.
    Then decided I wanted to give resources to the people around the country that work in the same position I used to, and through friends and contacts made a course so that people now can have some resources to help.
    Your path and what works to get out of this will be unique to you, but don’t be afraid to change it up a bit for some time. I hope it works out for you in the end!

  • Don’t know, but so far it seems like most marketing algorythms don’t know what on earth to do with me, cause I really be here on internet doing very specific things that don’t necesarilly relate.
    They throw in the most random stuff, sometimes its things from countries Im not from, other times they think Im male, others that Im female.
    On a very funny instance I got a youtube add (won’t elaborate on why addblock wasn’t on) recruiting me to join the sugar daddy / sugar baby business(??? (still don’t know if they wanted me to be the sugar daddy or the sugar baby, cause sure as hell I aint got the money and I aint got the goods).

  • I spent so much time there on reddit spreading knowledge of the things I had experience with and was passionate about (mostly piercing care, plant care, and science related stuff, which Ill admit is a pretty random combination of things).
    For now, I can’t bring myself to delete it.
    But I do look forward to spreading the things I learned to a brand new audience, so Im keeping my head high even if Im sad its come to this

  • Hope Im doing this right (reddit refugee, hello everybody). Best of luck with your healing!
    Titanium took a while to arrive where I live so I got to see all of the friends that thought they couldn’t get piercings suddenly being able to rock new piercings. Wish you all the best!

  • Currently on the last stages of healing my daith piercing (if anyone is stuggling with that one, I have some advice I learned the hard way haha).
    Rocking the pink bangs I gave myself during quarantine and couldn’t get myself to let go of.
    Excited for future piercing and tattoo projects