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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It’s really all going to depend on your tastes and lifestyle. Like I could recommend that you get a dog and start learning how to train dogs as a hobby, but that’s just not going to work for everyone. What’s important is that you explore things and maybe even try some hobbies that could potentially improve your well-being. Maybe you live somewhere near a good hiking spot and you could take up hiking to get outdoors and get more exercise. Maybe you could learn how to cook and explore how to make healthy meals that suit you better. Or maybe you just want to create something and you could take up woodworking or make model planes or something. The possibilities are endless, you just need to decide what you’d like to get out of it.

    Personally, I spend most of my time for work indoors on a computer, so most of my hobbies involve using my hands and getting outdoors. I took up a lot of extra hobbies during covid for obvious reasons. So here goes my list of >!hobbies that will maybe give you some ideas:

    • Cooking/baking/bread
    • Candy making
    • Jam making
    • Gardening
    • Canning (goes great with gardening!)
    • Succulents
    • Mixology
    • Dog training
    • Camping/hiking (this one is minimal only because I don’t live somewhere with good hiking spots)
    • Board games, video games, and movies during the winter when I can’t go outside

    Other things I’ve considered taking up but haven’t for various reasons:

    • 3D printing
    • Bonsais
    • Home brewing

  • I had known for a long time that I wanted to do something creative. Throughout highschool I was lucky enough to be able to take various classes that would allow me to try out different things. I ruled out music and was struggling to decide if I wanted to be an illustrator of some kind or an interior designer or maybe an architect? But then I took a class called “computer graphics” which was a stupid name for the class. It was actually a class about graphic design and it seemed to fit into everything I do well just perfectly. Looking back it was way more obvious that I should be a graphic designer as I used to do things for fun like doodle out magazine layouts and make weird computer art for icons and things back when that was how the Internet worked. Like what kind of kid does that for fun? A future graphic designer apparently.

  • There was a time when I was a kid that my parents were struggling with money. It was an ongoing struggle that lasted more than a decade and they still haven’t fully recovered from to this day. Anyway, I was aware of their struggles and as soon as I was old enough at 16, I went and got a job. I made less than minimum wage and my hours were severely limited due to state laws about employment under the age of 18. So I was still going to school and making barely anything, but whatever I didn’t use, I put away in the bank. Skip ahead to when I’m 18 and I’ve saved a few thousand dollars. My parents had a few particularly rough months and didn’t know how they would pay the mortgage that month, so my mom asked me if they could borrow some. I still remember how embarrassed my mom looked while asking me and I remember thinking that I didn’t know if I would ever get that money back. But I agreed. It was a bit of an emotional ordeal, but they did pay me back eventually and my parents still have their house. So all in all it worked out for the best.

  • Bold claim when you remember all of the horrific UI that car manufacturers utilized before everyone started using Apple and Google’s UI. Sometimes I have to borrow an old car from someone and you just can’t find anything. Really, I’m more in favor of bringing back physical buttons for all basic functions, but a good UI will not only make it quick and easy to say change to the next song or view trip details, but it will also prevent you from performing more complicated tasks while in motion. We’ll see what GM’s solution is, but I have little faith.

  • For me it was the inspiration I felt from technological improvements. I grew up in a house where my father was a network engineer and would constantly have computers opened up he was tinkering with. And all through the 90s I saw more and more improvements that made me feel like the future would be even more amazing! This persisted well into the 2000s with the coming of social media and small commercial devices like MP3 players, cell phones, etc. It just seemed like everything was improving and that if a company stopped improving, another company would come along and give the people what they want! But now I live in a world where all of the things that used to excite me have betrayed me and anything new I am extremely skeptical of. I see all kinds of new and interesting technological improvements come along and while they seem like excellent ideas that would improve my life, I also see the many ways in which they would exploit me, my privacy, and my money. I would love to have a camera doorbell in which I can see who is at the door and talk to them while I’m not at home, but those devices are horribly insecure and you have to subscribe to their services. I just can’t do it and I wish we could go back to the days in which you could just buy a product that might improve in a few years and you didn’t need to worry about it watching you or costing money every month. Instead you could just be excited about your little gadget and dream about what the next version would be like.

  • I don’t drink instant as my daily coffee, but I do use it for baking and cocktails. When you want coffee flavor in something without the grainy texture of coffee grinds, instant coffee is the best solution because it dissolves entirely. It’s great for ice cream, frosting, coffee cake, coffee syrup, or anything else of the sort. I’ve also found that the quality of instant coffee has improved significantly over the years, so it does actually make a pretty decent cup of coffee in a pinch.

  • I don’t understand people that tie up their dogs like this. They’re just asking for the dog to be taken. And I don’t know about you, but I assume people who steal dogs don’t steal them to re-home them. So why do people do this? Don’t you love your dog? Wouldn’t you want to prevent this entirely preventable situation if you love them? Of course, this particular photo has a whole other element of absent mindedness, so I guess they’re just plain stupid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • BlueLineBae@midwest.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I’ll tell you why we’ve made it here. For as long as I’ve been a designer, the website has served as the face of companies and therefore subject to direct criticism from the higher ups. Too many times would my team create something wonderful that would meet all our needs and test well only to have the President chime in and say he wants ticker tape in the hero… for no particular reason. And also can we add this and add that and blah blah blah ok now it’s a pile of garbage that’s crammed full of stuff you don’t need and is confusing to use. Skip ahead to today where graphic designers have taken over the world and made everyone forcefully subject to extreme minimalism. Who’s laughing now!?! Maniacally laughs

  • BlueLineBae@midwest.socialtoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    I second this. There are lots of elements on a website that seem redundant or self explanatory today now that we’ve had 30 years of websites. But you simply can’t assume this because everyone has a different amount of website navigation experience. Older people need everything to be labeled clearly and plainly and younger people are more familiar with app environments and might be inclined to look in unusual places for what they need. God forbid you take away the “home” link in the navigation “because everyone knows the logo links to the homepage anyway”. No they do not. One of the best books on the subject is “Don’t make me think” by Steve Krug and they have loads of excellent examples of why you can’t just assume things like this.