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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月9日


  • Omg this happened to me last year in my old shitty apartment, but it was real. Somehow a massive roach ended up on top of my comforter. I had serious trouble sleeping for a while after that, and I was seeing tricky shadows for weeks…

    The whole neighborhood had a roach problem, it wasn’t any particular grossness on my part. The general consensus amongst my neighbors at the time was that the nearby restaurants were to blame, but you can be sure I did a deep cleaning after that episode…so glad I don’t live there anymore.

  • Yeah, seriously. It actually sounds like she might have had it even worse than his “normal” victims. What an absolutely disgusting piece of shit. As time goes on and we learn more, he only looks more and more fundamentally evil.

    Brad Edwards, an attorney for Doe, told The Daily Beast, “In addition to Epstein’s rotation of victims, there was typically one person who he made believe was his girlfriend, usually completely in the dark about his criminal abuse.”

    “Jane Doe 200 was that girlfriend during this period of time, which means she learned more information than most other victims,” Edwards added. “In the end, Epstein violently raped her in a manner far worse than his usual modus operandi. This victim has lived in a particular fear for a long time and she deserves justice.”

  • I believe there are 3 kinds of musicians. Keep in mind I have no evidence for this, it’s just what I’ve experienced through a life of playing music and being around lots of musicians.

    #1 is someone with natural ability, these are the people who seem to be able to pick up any instrument and intuitively understand how to make it sound like music. This is the rarest kind of musician.

    #2 is someone with a little bit of #1’s natural ability, but like 70% of their skill comes from honing it through sustained, long-term practice. It’s hard, and can be incredibly frustrating, but also very rewarding. I’d say many if not most successful musicians fall into this category.

    #3 is someone with none of #1’s natural ability, but a passionate desire to learn. With grueling long hours of practicing the basics, studying some theory, and intentional instruction, #3 is perfectly capable of playing an instrument beautifully, but it will be a lot more work for them than it would be for #’s 1 and 2.

    It’s probably pretty similar to sports. Some people are naturals, but almost anyone can learn to be really good at them, it just takes a shitload of work.

  • Single-shaming is real. It’s particularly nasty because it can often come from family, friends, and strangers alike. And the media does it constantly.

    Most governments are set up to support and value married folks with tax breaks and incentives, fuck everybody else.

    Guess who’s less likely to be able to buy even a small house because you need at least two huge incomes these days to even qualify? That’s right, single people.

    I’ve been single for about a decade, and I’m overall pretty happy. Every once in a while I do find myself in a self-inflicted shame spiral, but I always tell myself “Bertram, this is your life, live it however you want to live it.”

    That said, I’m not opposed to finding a partner, somehow, but I’ve built a nice little life for myself so it’s just not a priority. Especially because I wouldn’t even know where to start…

  • Yeah, I think this is it right here. While the protests might not have done much for those of us who were already painfully aware of the cops’ racism, behavioral issues, and lack of accountability, it did make it so that everyone else had to pay attention. You couldn’t ignore the protests, they were everywhere. I don’t have numbers, but I think a whole lot of white people who by default didn’t believe there was any real injustice in the system finally saw it, at least for a little while.

    That said, it was unfortunately fleeting, and there hasn’t been enough sustained motivation to address the systemic issues that would need to be fixed for law enforcement to ever be properly held accountable. The people doing that admirable work are still doing it while the cops still have too much power. They might think twice before murdering someone in front of a camera. Maybe. They’ll still do the murder, they’ll just make sure there’s no evidence.

    So, a net positive, but the bar was already so damn low.

  • There always needs to be a human making the calls. I never want the robots to make life and death decisions, and sentencing is just that. It definitely seems like they got this one wrong, but AI is not the answer.

    The criminal justice system is completely fucked right now. There are multiple tiers of justice, and it is by no means blind. But large language models (we don’t have anything remotely like an AI that could do consistently what you want) are a warped and biased reflection of humanity, and would only intensify and perpetuate the systemic injustice.