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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023

  • Oh, continuing down that line of thinking leads to far worse then “kinda fucked up.” If the judeo christian deity exists and is accurately described by their books than it is a total monster not worthy of praise or devotion…

    What I understand about the judeo christian god is that they are believed to have created everything that has ever been or will ever be. They have total knowledge of everything past present and future, and they “knew me” prior to them creating me, knew what kind of person I would be, and knew without doubt that I wouldn’t believe in or worship them… so they created me with full knowledge that I’ll spend eternity being tortured in hell. What kind of benevolent deity brings a creature into existence just so they can be tortured? If that’s not full blown fucked up, then I don’t know what is.

  • Baphomet_The_Blasphemer@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlDo you believe in God?
    10 months ago

    There have been over 18,000 different gods, goddesses, and various animals or objects worshipped by humanity since we started writing our history, and likely countless more that have been lost to time. The majority of these worshipped deities are no longer believed in, and the fact we as a species have been unable to move beyond the fairytales of omnipotent gods told during the bronze age will never cease to amaze me.

    Religion in all its various current forms is a tool of manipulation used against the masses to keep them complacent and scared. That being said, even though I tend to lean towards an atheististic view, I will concede that the possibility exists of a higher life form we may consider as a god. If such a life form does exist, it would be so far beyond our ability to comprehend that any claim to know what it expects of us is pure human foolishness or intended maliciously to control the ignorant.

    I live my life by the simple principle that if a god exists and is a just god then I’ll be judged by my actions in this life, whether I caused harm to others or lived well doing what I’m able to make the world better, and not on whether or not I believed in and worshipped them. If a god exists that would punish me for all eternity for not worshipping them, then they are not a just god, and as such would be unworthy of such devotion. Bottomline is we will never know as long as we live, and with as short as our lives are, why waste them worrying about what we can never know. Just live your life well, be kind to others, and be the best you that you can be.

    Edit: fixed a typo

  • Which religion do you follow that wasn’t conceived of, had a holy text written by, and teachings propagated by humans?

    Over the known course of human history there have been at least 18,000 different gods, goddesses, various animals, or objects that have been worshipped by mankind. What they all share in common is they’re all fictious constructs created by ignorant humans in an attempt to explain natural phenomenon that were beyond their ability to make sense of through logical scientific means.

    That being said I will concede that I still believe in the possibility of a higher power as I think it is just as ignorant to claim nothing exists as it is to claim something does without any verifiable evidence. However if such an entity does exist it is so far beyond our ability of comprehension that any claims to know its motivations or what it expects of us are ludicrous fiction at best, or intended as tools of manipulation at worst.

    The truth of the matter is we will never know one way or another for certain. So why live life based on outdated beliefs/morals from ages past?

    I operate on the principle that if a God exists, and they are a just God, then I’ll be judged by my actions, how I lived my life, and whether I was a good person who has done right by others, and not based on whether or not I professed my faith in and worshipped their existence. If a God exists that would punish me for all eternity for not believing in, or worshipping them, then they’re not a just god and would be unworthy of said worship.

  • I wasn’t raised with a religion (parents were both atheists), but when i was around 15-16 I got curious. I started attending the youth group at the local feel good church up the street and literally every single sermon was about how teenagers have urges, but we must resist them as sex before marriage was a terrible sin.

    Well after a couple months of weekly don’t have sex meetings the cops showed up to arrest the youth pastor for something like 27 counts of statutory rape. He had been sleeping with all the girls in the youth group ranging from 18 all the way down to the 13 year-olds.

    The only reason he got caught was because two of the girls got into an argument about how they were his one true love, and one of them called the cops on the other one because she got called a bad name. That ended my very short experiment with religion, bunch of fucking hypocrites pretending they’re better than other people while doing exactly what they tell others not to… at least the sex I was having was legal.