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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • For sure transitioning will not cure your other mental health issues, you kinda need to work on those separately when you get to a place that you’re able to do so. Despite advances in information and medical tech, right now is the roughest its ever been to transition due to the political situation. I transitioned back before cis people were really aware that trans folk exist outside of being made fun of in the media. Even back then, the first few years of my transition were the most dysphoria ridden. If you go for years trying to suppress dysphoria and suddenly you’re confronting it daily, that’s gonna hurt more than it did when you were just coping. I used to feel like an imposter in queer/women’s spaces, I remember feeling really dysphoric and unsure of myself, over time that’s changed. Finding a solid IRL friend-group of other trans people can be transformative. If I could give my younger self any advice it would be to seek that out. Not only is there support to be found but also safety in numbers. Its so important to find a group that will accept you 100% without judgement, having time to just chill out as yourself among other humans without fear can really help your nervous system adapt. Hopefully some of this is helpful. I’ve been on this road awhile (11 years HRT) and while I’m no longer dealing with dysphoria anymore I’m still figuring out life. If you have any questions I’ll do my best to answer or elaborate as I find time.